Junior School

From the the Junior School
What a wonderful carnival we had to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Ball Games! The sun was shining, the students were all eager and ready to do their best, the sausages were sizzling, and the audience was cheering. A draw between Ruthven and Thomson was a fitting finale to what was a very exciting and hard-fought competition. Our Year 6 leaders did us proud with their announcing and keeping the younger students focused and on track. Thank you to everyone who came along to support the event and to become part of the great tradition that is Huntingtower Ball Games.
Indonesian Day was an amazing celebration of the rich and vibrant culture of Indonesia. All of our Junior School students had the opportunity to learn, appreciate and celebrate this diverse and beautiful culture through music, dance, customs, stories and games. We hope that these experiences will help to foster a sense of global citizenship. Thank you to our Indonesian teachers for organising these activities.
A huge congratulations to Lachlan Cumming who represented our Athletics Division in the State Championship. Lachlan competed in the High Jump event and managed to place sixth overall. Well done, Lachlan!
Our Debating Team is working hard, meeting regularly at lunchtimes to prepare for the Junior School State Finals in debating. We wish them well for their competition on 17 November.
Mrs Susan Swan
Head of Junior School
On Friday, October 27th, we marked the inaugural twilight meet of Ball Games, commemorating 75 years of this tradition. The event concluded with a thrilling draw, leaving both houses, Ruthven and Thomson, in a tie! Thanks to Mrs Joanna Clapp who put so much effort and time into planning this special celebration.
ART - Indonesian Day
The students enjoyed craft activities on Friday 3 November Indonesia Day.
ART - Junior School Mural
Junior School students were welcomed back after the long weekend with an exciting new project emerging on the gym wall overlooking the softfall area. Art Club students have been busy planning and creating ideas for a new mural painting over the last few months, and now that the weather has warmed up, the painting has begun! The design is intended to be a joyful splash of colour which will brighten and inspire the school community. Art Club students will be involved in painting the mural over the next few weeks and they are extremely excited about the project!
Students attending Art Club - Message to Parents
We kindly request that you send your child to Art Club on Monday afternoons with some older clothing suitable for painting. To ensure their comfort and protection, we suggest items such as an old business shirt, old shorts or leggings, a sunhat, and well-worn runners or thongs. Students will be actively working on an expansive wall project, so they will get messy with all the paint drips.
Students can store these clothes in the Art room until the end of the term. To facilitate this, please send the items in a plastic bag labelled with your child's name.
Mrs Gillian Nix
JS Art Teacher
Year 1
The Year 1 students have been preparing their ‘Prehistoric Creature’ Explore and Explain for presentation, and what wonderful role models our first few presenters have been.
YEAR 2 with Year 6 Peer Support Leaders
Year 2 students enjoying and learning various skills with their Year 6 Peer Support Leaders.