Devotion, Prayer Families & Birthdays

Just over five hundred years ago, Martin Luther nailed his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany. In Worship this week, Pastor Ben explained that as Luther read his Bible, he began to notice that some of the things his church was teaching did not line up with what the Bible said. Leaders among the church were teaching that salvation could be bought, with the purchase of ‘indulgences’. People were taught that they had to buy their way into heaven. As the Bible was only written in Latin, most people could not read it to find the truth for themselves.
Luther realised that these teachings directly contradicted the Bible. He recognised that true Christian faith is based on Scripture alone, on salvation in Christ alone, by grace alone and through faith alone—and all of this is for glory to God alone. These five points summarise the key principles of the Reformation.
The Lutheran church today holds on to these key principles. We are thankful for the courage of Martin Luther in standing against the wrong teaching of his day. We are filled with incredible gratitude for the Grace of God and the salvation we have through him and him alone.
for the fortnight beginning 6 November:
Foster, George, Gunalan, Gurney, Holden, Hunsicker, Ismodes, Jacob, Joy, Khaira
And staff:
Rachael Pyatt, Jenny Schoonover, Portia Strawbridge, Cathy White
Happy Birthday to the following students for the coming weeks:
Jeremy Ochola, Ruby Hunter, Susan Selck, Jenson De Wet, Shanaya Prasad, Christian De Wet, Ethan Terrana