This term in Mathematics, students will continue building their ability to track progress through the SURF strategies menu. They will explore aspects of Data and Statistics, specifically looking at the ways in which data is collected and analysed in many areas of everyday life to predict outcomes, make informed choices, prioritise, measure performance, and analyse problems. The students will collect data and make choices about the types of graphs and charts which best depict results. They will practise constructing clear and well-structured graphs both by hand and with digital resources such as Excel. Furthermore, the students will develop their understanding of analysing graphs and tables of data to draw conclusions from the information presented. Later in the term students will also be learning about Patterns and Algebra with a significant focus on real-life transfer of learning. They will be contextualising expressions and equations, to understand the purpose of their use. Through real life pictorial representations, learners will form connections to unknown values.
To support your child’s learning at home, you could encourage them to:
- Read and analyse weather patterns which appear on daily forecasts.
- Explore facts listed in current issues of atlases and such sites as “Worldometer” or “Dollar Street” which list statistics about such issues as population demographics, world data and global inequalities.
- Examine and analyse data as it relates to such issues as the Referendum – Voice to Parliament.