School Council News

School Council Meetings
Our next School Council meeting will be held on Wednesday 22nd November at 7.30pm
The dates of the next Committee meetings are as follows:
Community Voice: Monday 30th October at 7pm (Forum)
Parent Association: Friday 10th November at 9am
Buildings, Grounds and Sustainability: Thursday 16th November at 6.30pm
Finance: Monday 20th November at 6.30pm
Curriculum Day Reminder - Friday 17th November
As has been previously advised, next Friday 17th November is a Curriculum Day, students do not attend school.
Curriculum Days in 2024
In order to assist families to plan for the beginning of the 2024 school year, School Council have already approved the Curriculum Days at the beginning of next year.
Monday 29th January and Tuesday 30th January are both Curriculum Days, students do not attend school.
Students in Years 1 to 6 commence school on Wednesday 31st January.
The remaining dates will be published as soon as they are confirmed.
Sarah Meachem
School Council President