Secondary 7/8

What a wonderful year it has been for Secondary 7/8A, it is hard to believe that another year has come and gone. This term, students have been involved in a range of exciting, engaging and inspiring experiences that have supported and extended their knowledge in a range of learning areas.
During discovery lessons, students have been expanding their knowledge of Australian Animals through their focus on habitats, particularly, habitat features, threats and ways we can help. To expand and deepen their understanding, students had the opportunity to visit the Melbourne Aquarium, Edendale Farm and Eltham North Reservoir.
Secondary 7/8A was involved in engaging hands-on experiences such as, planting trees in their local community, cleaning up shrubs and rubbish to protect natural habitats and working collaboratively in small groups to create their own diorama based on their chosen habitat.
Students have enjoyed the social aspect of school by participating in a range of school events such as the Challenge program, Section Games, Secondary Sports day, Village Cinemas and more recently the Concord Community Concert.
Every student in Secondary 7/8A should be proud of their efforts this term, they have continued to create positive relationships with their peers both in the classroom and across the section, while always demonstrating the Concord School Expectations.
It has been a pleasure to teach all the students in Secondary 7/8A.
I wish them all the best and hope in the future they look back on this year with fond memories and happiness.
What a wonderful term Secondary 7/8B have had, partaking in experiences at Greensborough Plaza, Eltham North Reserve and Bunnings.
We continued learning about Australian Animals and the habitats they live in, and even got to observe different aquatic animals such as fish, sharks and stingrays at the Melbourne Sea Life Aquarium.
We also learned about the importance of trees and how they provide homes for all of the wonderful Australian animals we see. The class had a great time watering existing trees around the school to keep them alive and planting new trees to help out the local animals.
We are so excited to see how much these new trees have grown when we return next year.
Wishing you all a well deserved break over the holiday season.
As the year comes to a close we can reflect on a year full of growth, laughter, academic progress, great challenges and social learning in Secondary 7/8C.
This Semester Secondary 7/8C has dived into the study of Australian Animals and the endangered species. For our final Discovery projects, students have chosen unique and individual angles to study endangered animals. From blue whales, to desert kangaroos, from the extinct megafauna to the white rhino we have it all on display for the Discovery Expo in Secondary 7/8C.
We have also focused on the values the class came up with each week we have discussed how these values can be practiced. Secondary 7/8C class values are similar to Concord values with some unique additions. They are Kindness, Respect, Courage, Honesty and Trust. It has been wonderful to see the class growing into a sense of ownership for these values this term.
Excursions are something that has provided an opportunity for deepening learning and Secondary 7/8C has had an absolute ball during Semester 2, going to Healesville Sanctuary, Preston Market, Greswell Forest, Melbourne Zoo and Edendale Farm.
We have had many individual highlights during Term 4. Here a just a few:
- Aidan showed the class repeatedly he is a tech wiz
- Marcus impressed us with his cooking stories
- Bilal gave the class an example of sporting excellence
- Steve was consistently ready to learn and happy to be at school
- Dante shared jovial conversation and attitude each day
- Jett always provided great guesses to the daily wordle and riddles
- Angus impressed the class with his music knowledge and skills and participated in the school band and percussion
- Gabes consistently shared his positive attitude
- Jareth shared his brilliant skills with tools by diligently fixing and maintaining our class’ fitness bike
What a fantastic year of learning and growth we have had in Secondary 78D!
We can’t help but reminisce about the Transition Day in 2022, a day of hope, wonder and excitement. It is now time to celebrate the year that was adorned with learning journeys, collaboration and most of all, a sense of community within the class. Each one of our students has displayed acts of thoughtfulness and of camaraderie in various ways throughout the year.
A few underlying values have guided us as a community; to Listen, be Kind, be Respectful and most of all to Give Everything a Go. We have often heard students encouraging each other to follow these values and we couldn’t be prouder of the citizens that they are becoming and what is a true showcase of the social fabric in 78D.
Learning about native Australian Animals and how we can protect them has been the underlying theme of our literacy, numeracy and Discovery units. Students have participated in and learnt from a myriad of experiences such as the Wild Action visiting zoo, the excursions to nature parks and through multimedia exposures such as non-fiction texts, documentaries and pictures.
Outdoor experiences such as the weekly Challenge Program have helped reinforce teamwork and collaboration in addition to weekly rehearsals and sheer hard work culminating in the Concord School Spectacular.
As the year draws to a close, we would like to commend every student for their individual achievements and wish them all the best as they reflect on the year that was and look forward with anticipation to a new year in 2024!
Secondary 7/8E have had an amazing Term 4 and an incredible year of learning both in the classroom and out in the world.
We have been curious and engaged with the Discovery Unit; investigating many Australian endangered and invasive animals through reading, writing, technology and excursions. We investigated different habitats and why Australian Animals live where they do. We extended our knowledge by researching two endangered Australian Animals and what we can do to help them and created a power point project on an invasive animal. Students presented their learning at the Animal Expo.
Our favourite excursions were to the Melbourne Zoo, IMAX and the Museum.
The Preston Market excursion was awesome and another highlight was the Collingwood party that Karen put on for us. We wrote about all our fun experiences and added detail by using descriptive language and proper nouns. We nailed Fractions and Location in Maths.
We enjoyed going back to Gresswell Park for a picnic, our Class Party, the section excursion to the movies to watch ‘Wonka’ and the section Disco.
We will miss our Year 8 friends when they move on next year, but know that we will all make new friendships in 2024.
A big thankyou to our Educational Support Trainee, Maddy, we really loved having you work with us and support our learning.
Have a fabulous holiday!
Term 4 was an incredible term where we wrapped up all of our learning for the year and became closer as the Secondary 78F community! We continued to build on our learning from Term 3 with a focus on studying Endangered Animals this term.
Excursions to the Melbourne Zoo and the iMax were highlights where the students were able to build on their learning in real life contexts. The students shared all they have learned during the Secondary 7/8 Expo and were so proud of their efforts!
Each and every student’s confidence grew as the year went on. Whether it was expanding their sentences or paragraphs in writing, navigating various places in the community during the location unit in maths, or going up a level in reading- each and every student has grown this year.
Staff vs. students was a weekly highlight where the love of sport in Secondary 7/8F was capitalised on and the class organised a wild game of basketball.
Most importantly, we grew as a classroom community and had so many laughs this term.
We hope that everyone has the best time over the summer holidays and wish all the students the best in their new 2024 classes!
What an amazing term and year we have had in Secondary 7/8G!
Term 4 was jam packed full of excursions and experiences which were both fun and educational.
Our focus this term was Endangered Animals, where we researched all of the impacts on wildlife and how we can help. Secondary 7/8G put in great effort to making a class movie each week, where they researched a topic and then presented it on camera. During our Discover Animals Expo, Secondary 7/8G were extremely proud to present this movie to their families, friends and school community.
We attended excursions such as the Melbourne Zoo and Edendale Farm, where we continued to extend our knowledge on the topics we had learned so much about. Secondary 7/8G have been incredibly engaged with all things animals in the classroom. It’s been great to see such keen learning!
I am incredibly proud of our class for all of their hard work this term and this year. It has been such a pleasure teaching them, and I look forward to seeing what they achieve next year.
As the saying goes, “All good things must come to an end.” The end of our time together as Secondary 7/8H has now approached. This means it is time to reflect on all the amazing experiences we have had together.
This year’s class will forever be associated with popcorn, music, acting, celebrations and academic achievements (not necessarily in that order).
Our class shined through both performances of High School Musical’s, “Bop to the Top.” HSM influenced our lives so much that when we ask, “What time is it?” rather than being told the actual time, we are sung the reply, “Summertime! It’s our vacation…♫”
This term, we did a lot of research about Australian Animals and then investigated ways to protect endangered koalas. The first episode of ‘Crikey, it’s 7/8H!’ was a huge success and was shortly followed by another video project as we created a ‘Save the Koala’s’ commercial. Thank you to all the families that supported our Expo this year and shared the students' enthusiasm.
Our favourite thing about Secondary 7/8H were the moments kindness was displayed.
The students made Teacher Appreciation Day that much more special by creating posters, boxes and a photo collage for the staff. They looked out for each other and cheered each other on.
It has been a pleasure teaching Secondary 7/8H.
We wish everyone a safe and happy summer as you recharge and prepare for your next adventure in 2024!
Occupational Therapist: Olivia Sun
What a fun and busy term it has been! Our Secondary 7/8 students have been actively participating in sensory circuits and exploring new activities/equipment that could help us feel good and ready to learn/play.
Boxing, balancing, and heavy weight workouts turned out to be our favourites! And don’t forget all the fun we had in our social groups - some have been working really hard on their body percussion showcase, some have been making their own movies and scripts, and all of us had a great time with each other, making new friends and building positive friendships.
Speech Pathologist
Speech Pathologist: Leia Leventis
The Secondary 7/8 students have been working hard learning about their Discovery topic on animals and connecting their knowledge to fun experiences in the community and getting ready to showcase their final projects.
Some students have also been involved in social skills groups where they have made movies together to build on their teamwork, oral language and problem solving skills.