David's Message

Dear Sunny Heights Parents and Carers,


We wanted to start by sharing the epic amount that was fundraised by our community during the recent referendum. Our total amount was $2347.90, all thanks to the hard work of our bakers, sausage sizzlers, baristas and volunteers! We also need to give some special thanks to some businesses that supported us:


Glengala Fresh, A & E Bakery, Woolworths Sunshine, Coles on the Avenue, and Moe's Halal Butchery - thanks everyone!


You will see one of the pages for this fortnight's Newsletter has the link to the video for our Harmony Celebrations. The video has been carefully put together by Reuben, one of our amazing school councillors. I had a tear in my eye as I watched and remembered the special events that were packed into our Harmony Day celebrations fro 2023 - we can't wait to do it again for 2024!

Today we had a visit from Sarah Connolly who was excited to work in our Breakfast Club and serve brekkie for our kids. It was really good to chat about all things education, and especially about the things we do for our students. We also made sure to share our hopes for the future of our school, with a current, highly anticipated grant for new toilets awaiting a decision at the Department of Education. We are hopeful in the future of gaining a new oval, to ensure the great work Mr Dane has done in recent years of raising the bar for our school sports is matched by our facilities. I'm sure Sarah would love to hear your thoughts on this as a community, along with other facility improvements you'd love to see at our school!

Finally, a massive special thank you to all our teachers and educators on World Teachers Day. We loved seeing all the crazy hats our students brought in to celebrate, and our staff were spoiled with a morning tea provided by our leadership team to let them know how much we care about them. Our teachers really are an incredible bunch of epic humans, and we love how much they do for our school, students and community!


Don't forget a few special dates are coming up, the Curriculum Day (no students) on the 6th November, the Spanish Fiesta on the 14th November, and a professional practice day (no students) on the 24th November. Please make sure you mark these in your calendar!


Best wishes, 


David and the Sunny Heights Team