Sowing the SEADs of Success

From the Assistant Principal: Wellbeing & Engagement
Term 4
In support of our individual SEAD values our students across the pre-school to Year 12 have multiple learning opportunities to demonstrate and cultivate the following key areas:
- Resilience perseverance and grit
- Kindness and empathy
- Social and Emotional Intelligence
- Authentic Relationships and connectedness
- Responsible online engagement
- Identity and sense of purpose
Authentic Relationships and connectedness = ROSE GIVING
The value of authentic relationships and connectedness was demonstrated clearly in yesterday’s Rose-Giving Service in the senior school. The tears, laughter and joy that was celebrated amongst all senior students as they farewelled the Class of 2023 was unforgettable. The Year 11 Leaders showcased many happy memories through funny stories, images and videos that have been collected over the years. The true “sisterhood” and strong connections that we promote at Loreto was highlighted at this highly emotional and memorable event.
Year 4 Camp
We wish the Year 4 “happy campers” all the best as they explore the Fleurieu Peninsula at Douglas Scrub in Week 4 for their overnight camp. The girls will participate in the following activities to help build resilience and independence.
- Indigenous Education at Warriparinga; Welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony
- Bush Tucker Walk
- Basket Weaving Workshop
- Trangia Cooking and tent set-up (girls sleeping in dormitories)
- Bouldering and climbing skills
- Rope bridge construction and knots skills
- Kuitpo shelter building and stretcher making
Year 6 and Transition
Year 6’s have begun their transition across the senior school with Year 10 Buddies, SEAD Lessons with a focus on exploring new relationships and strategies to support their transition to a secondary learning environment. Year 6 girls have been invited to spend their lunch breaks at the Senior School. This is a good opportunity for students to familiarise themselves with the Senior School Campus and meet senior school students.
Library Lessons
Weekly library lessons with Ms Julie Staley will be conducted in the Senior School Library, allowing our girls the opportunity to become familiar with this learning space.
Two great resources for Parents can be found below:
Starting secondary school or high school | Raising Children Network
Gearing up for Parent Engagement in Student Learning (
Respectful Relationships
Year 9 and 10 student presentation with old scholar Dr Tessa Opi.
In your Skin presentation is scheduled for Term 4, 15 November.
In Your Skin® • Relationship & Sexuality Education
Year 11
Year 11 November RAP – Presentation RAP - Road Awareness Program | Metropolitan Fire Service (
Uniform Reminders with Hats
With the change of season and the increase in the UV index with warmer weather, it is important to ensure all students are wearing their school hat when outdoors or find suitable shade when the UV index is high.
On Student Loreto Connect home page we have set up a daily UV index for all Junior and Senior School girls to access – see below.
Tips for being sun smart – see link below.
Enjoy the sunshine but also protect yourself!
Friendly reminders Dates for Junior School Engagement
Term 4 Overview | Dates
| Activity |
Week 1 | Monday 16 October | Return to School (Summer Uniform, compulsory hat; sunscreen)
Week 2 | Tuesday 24 October
Tuesday 24 October | Junior School Ensemble Concert 6pm (letter communicated via Lisa Schulz) LSAC Year 5 Leadership Program (12.30pm)
Week 3 |
| |
Week 4 | Monday 6 November
Monday 6 & Tuesday 7 November | Year 6 Orientation Day in Senior school and Parent information night for Year 7-11 2024 parents at 5.30pm
Year 4 Camp McClaren Flat/Douglas Scrub
Week 5 | Saturday 18 November | Norwood Christmas Pageant R-3 Students
Week 6 | Thursday 23 November 12.20pm-1.50pm
| Walk and Talk Picnic R-11 Tusmore Park; Support Vinnies Christmas Appeal (Students only) |
Week 7 | Thursday 30 November Friday 1 December 5pm | Moving up Day 2024 😊 during school day ELC-Year 6 Family Christmas Picnic at Loreto College
Week 8 | Monday 4 December Wednesday 6 December Thursday 7 December Thursday 7 December
| Pre-School Graduation 9am Year 6 Graduation 9am End of Year Mass R-11 9am (Parents invited to attend) Year 4-11 Awards Ceremony 6pm Norwood Town Hall |
Farewell quote from Year 12’s
Dear Class of 2023, thank you for your company….we will miss you! Ms Searle 😊
Ms Emma Searle
Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement
From the Psychological Service
Mental Health Month is celebrated each year in the month of October. This month encourages all of us to think about our mental health and wellbeing, regardless of whether we may have a lived experience of mental illness or not. It also gives us the opportunity to understand the importance of good mental health in our everyday lives and encourages help seeking behaviours when needed. Below is a calendar for the month of October with something to do each day to look after your mental health and wellbeing.
As always, if you have any specific concerns about your child or young person, please contact your daughter’s Classroom Teacher, or Assistant Principal: Head of Junior School and ELC, or the relevant Leader of Student Wellbeing and Academic Care, or Mentor Teacher in the Senior School. You are also encouraged to seek professional or medical help, if required.
Monica Bignold
Lead College Psychologist R-12