Specialists Wonga Weekly

Week 7 Term 4

Physical Education


Prep PE

This week, we will revise the fundamental movement skills of striking and catching. Students will enjoy rehearsing these skills while participating in several collaborative games, including ‘long ball’ and ‘through the wall’.    


Prep Sensory

In this week’s Sensory Gym sessions, students will participate in several activities and exercises designed to improve their hand-eye coordination, balance and core strength.


Grade 1 and 2

We will continue to explore the fundamental movement skill of ball striking, with a particular focus on hitting the ball away from fielders in a game situation. Students will be encouraged to notice the speed and angle of their bat swing relative to the ball. 


Grade 3 and 4

Our focus on the sport of hockey will continue this week. Students will be introduced to a modified game, where the key rules and skills will be discussed and reinforced throughout. They will be encouraged to watch the ball when trapping and striking with a stick.   


Grade 5 and 6

Students will continue to enjoy learning about and playing the sport of hockey. We will discuss the key rules of the game and explore strategies to assist in successful team play. Students will be encouraged to watch the ball closely and monitor their position on the field. 


Visual Arts



Students will be making a Santa out of clay. The focus will be on refining the pinch pot shape that they learnt last term as well as joining techniques for the arms and legs. 


Grade 1 and 2

Students will be learning how to create a stain glass window using cellophane and contact as well as drawing a black paper silhouette of something Chrismassy to adhere on top!


Grade 3 and 4

Students will be making a connection to their camp at Phillip Island by creating a Little Penguin out of clay. The focus will be on creating a head and body from the one slab of clay rather than adhering them separately. 


Grade 5 

Students will use their collaged Picasso inspired portrait to create their design out of clay. They will begin with a slab and build geometric shapes on top, focussing on asymmetry and the Cubist style.


Grade 6

Students will continue their self portrait, this week creating their background using a Gelli plate and acrylic paints to print interesting designs. They will be thinking about contrasting colours and unusual markings to complement the top layer that they created last week. 

Performing Arts


Students in Prep have an exciting week ahead as we do our final rehearsal for the Prep Concert, 'Sky Colour' and perform on Wednesday evening! See you there!


Grade 1 and 2

Students will be completing their Learning Snapshot focusing on what they know about 'safe dance'. They will also practice their Christmas Carols and participate in choroeographing actions for their songs. 


Grade 3 and 4 

Students will continue to develop their own musical compositions using xylphones and writing using correctly valued notes and 4/4 time signature. Students will share their written notation and recording as a Learning Snapshot.


Grade 5 and 6

Students will continue to develop their own musical compositions using xylphones and writing using correctly valued notes and either a 3/4 or 4/4 time signature. They will utilise digital technology with Garage Band to complete this task and experiment with enhancing their piece using tools within the app. Students will share their written notation and recording as a Learning Snapshot.