Classroom News

We have had another busy couple of weeks in Prep with our excursion to the Messy Patch taking place last Wednesday. The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all of the staff and students. All of the students also wrote an awesome recount of their favourite part of the day!
In Maths this week we have started looking at the topic of Time with a particular focus on 'O'Clock'.
In Literacy we have been spending the week revising the sounds and words that we have learnt throughout Term 4.
We are looking forward to the Prep-4 activity day this Friday and all of the other events coming up before the end of the school year!
Gemma Blake
Adam Garner
The Prep and Year 1 Fun Night was a wonderful success. The children enjoyed dancing, playing games and spending time together after school.
We have been reflecting on things and people we are thankful and grateful for in Religion. The Year 1 and 2 students have been writing their own prayer of thanks.
The Year 1 and 2 students have their final prayer gatherings coming up in the first two weeks of December. Year 2 will be on Friday 1st December, followed by Year 1 on Friday 8th December.
All students have been busy in class finishing off their studies, assessments and making sure their favourite work examples are in their portfolios, ready to share at our upcoming Learning Conversations.
Tomorrow we will be enjoying our P-4 activity day. Please ensure your child has appropriate footwear for the sporting events.
Kascha Popping
Leah Martin
Miriam Collins
Matt Absalom
Emma Roberts
Kerryn Williams
It has been a busy couple of weeks in Years 3 and 4 as both classes have led Prayer Gathering. Thank you to all the families who joined us in prayer.
Both year levels are working on creating and presenting persuasive speeches. The children are writing their speech and will present it in front of their own class. We are aiming for the speech to go for one minute. Maybe the children could practise at home in front of the family. We wonder what they will try to persuade us about.
In Maths, Year 4 are finishing off their measurement unit and Year 3 are finishing off learning about space/shapes.
Prep to Year 4 Activity Day is this Friday, 17th November. Year 3 will go to Colac Primary and Year 4 will go to Sacred Heart. Students will need to wear their sports uniform and bring food and drinks as for a normal day.
Swimming will finish on Thursday, 30th November.
St Vinnies are asking for donations of non-perishable food and treats for their Christmas Hampers. Our SRC students have suggested we could also donate some used, great condition toys to St. Vinnies. Children can bring their donations into the classroom by 8th December.
Elissa Rodger
Deb Holland
Lauren Ryan
Meg Knight
Judy Carr
Jodie Hassett
What a busy time of year! The students are working hard to complete assessments and get themselves ready to share their learning with you all in our Learning Conversations in the coming weeks.
In Literacy, both year levels have been working on writing recounts. The Grade 6 students have been focusing on recounting memories from their primary school years and the Grade 5s have been recounting fun memories of holidays and surprises. All students showed off their abilities in the final Cold Write of the year; they recounted ‘A Time I Got This Scar/Bruise/Bump’. The Grade 5 students have also been learning to format letters so they can write a letter to their buddies for 2024, what an exciting (and slightly scary) thought!
In Numeracy the Grade 5 classes have been working on Chance and Probability, learning how they can visually represent and interpret the information presented. In Grade 6 the cohort has been split to focus on areas of need, half of the students are focusing on measurement, learning how to calculate perimeter and area. The other half of the students have been revisiting their number skills to build knowledge for them before the end of Year 6, they are focusing on multiplication, fractions and decimals.
Both year levels have continued working on their understanding of Solidarity and how being part of a Catholic School can help us support the human dignity of those around us and show solidarity to all. Students are preparing to complete a final artwork to model their understanding of the unit.
On Monday the Grade 5/6 students went to Headspace Colac for a visit to the facilities available for the physical and mental health of youth in Colac. Please have a look at Class Dojo for a link to their website to access more information or book a session for your child.
The Grade 5/6 Girls Basketball team went to Melbourne to participate in the State competition this Tuesday. After working hard in regionals to fight for their place they started the day strong with an early win before coming up against some very fierce competition that helped remind us of the level of competition we had made it to. The girls fought hard but unfortunately did not make it past the first round. Well done to the team for a great day of keeping spirits high and showing great sportsmanship in a challenging competition.
We still have 2 more weeks of swimming at Bluewater. Please remember to bring swimming bags packed and maybe a few extra snacks in the lunch box to keep energy up! Students have been doing well so far, learning and practising important survival skills.
This Friday the Sports and Sustainability leaders will be running the Prep - 4 activity day for the Grade 2 students of Colac’s primary schools. It should be a fun and energetic day. Students are reminded to forward plan for their needs with the weather, dress appropriately, drink lots of water and wear their sunscreen!
Anna Hinkley
Paula Parish
Jade LoRicco
Dan Cannon
Susie Scott
Maegen Potter