Religious News

Mission Week: October 21st to October 28th

This year for Mission Day we are going to use any fundraising to support members of our local community that are in need - the Christian Emergency Food Centre, St Vinnies will  assist us to distribute any monies raised through our Mission Day activities on Friday 27th October at 11.30am - 12.30pm here at school.

We begin our day with mass at 9.30am and then the students organise their activities to raise money and that is between 11.30am and 12.30pm

All are welcome to attend and support our students in their endeavours.

Three Main areas of the work of Catholic Mission

The first is the Church, where we foster local church leadership. We train and assist local leaders in their own communities.

The second area is essentially the Communities, where we partner with local church communities. Every day people in these communities cope with everything from extreme poverty, HIV/AIDS, to persecution from military dictatorships.

The third area of work is with Children. We feed, nourish, immunise, educate and care for children all over the world, regardless of race or creed.