Parents Association

Events & Sign Up

Welcome to the Donvale Primary Parents Association. Throughout the year, we look forward to holding many wonderful events for our school community. Below is a calendar of events scheduled for each term. As we get close to each event, we will put out a call for volunteers. Look out for the SignUp Zone link below and in Compass news feeds. We are always grateful for your help and support.



Term 1 EventsDate
Welcome Back BBQ15th February
Easter Raffle13th-28th March
Subway Meal Deal26th March
Term 2 EventsDate
Mothers Day Stall9th May                         
Book Fair 
Cadbury Fundraiser 
Subway/Sushi Meal DealTBA
Term 3 EventsDate
Fathers Day Stall TBA                      
Hot Dog Meal DealTBA                 
Term 4 EventsDate              
Mango FundraiserTBA                      

SignUp Zone link: