Learning & Events

InitiaLit literacy program
The Juniors have started their journey with the InitiaLit literacy program and it has been amazing to see their engagement. They have been exploring consonants, vowels, syllables, grammar, identifying the meaning of new vocabulary, segmenting and blending sounds and investigating tricky words. Lists of tricky words have been sent home for the students to practise and reinforce their learning. Check in with your child this week to see if they can tell you what a phoneme is.
Recently I attended a Literacy network with Literacy leaders from schools in our area. This is a great opportunity for schools to share current approaches in reading and writing, see literacy programs in action and take away new ideas. It is reassuring to see many schools taking an explicit instruction approach to teaching reading and writing.
Teaching for Impact in Mathematics F-2
Teachers across Prep to Year 2 have led our Mathematics this term in conjunction with Teach Well and Ochre Education. A range of concepts, content areas, understanding and skills have been explicitly taught to the students. Data has been collected and analyzed to further support our students with the acquisition of certain skills. Teachers have participated in video coaching and mentoring, have received feedback and have created goals for further professional development. Teachers have noted increased levels of student engagement and attention in Maths lessons, which in turn will lead to increased student outcomes. We look forward to an exciting term 2 in Mathematics.
We are all living in a diverse and global world which is constantly changing. People and places have their own characteristics and traditions that are both similar and different to our own. Taking responsibility for our actions, decisions, responses and choices is part of our everyday world and experiences. Children have been learning about our rights and responsibilities as members and as citizens of a democratic society and the factors that shape a person’s identity and sense of belonging.
Our Senior students led a wonderful initiative today where they encouraged students and their families to bring an artifact, accessory or item of clothing that expresses their heritage. What an amazing community we are a part of. Elsie, our school Vice Captain and Social Justice Leader, initiated the whole day and we have learned so much about one another and our family heritage. She also organised a flag-making workshop at playtime today!
Prep Presentation Mass
We had a lovely gathering on the weekend, with a hint of green for St Patrick’s Day, to welcome prep families from St Brigid’s and Holy Cross to the St Brigid's Parish community. A beautiful performance of “These Hands” followed by scones and a play after mass.
Year 3 Reconciliation
On Wednesday night we gathered together in our church, led by Father Vincent and Father Jossy to celebrate Reconciliation. It was a lovely family celebration focused on reflection, accepting responsibility for our actions, forgiveness and the reconciling of relationships with both God and others. We were reminded of God's never ending love for each and every one of us, and how Jesus taught us to treat others with love, respect, kindness and compassion.
Thank you to all of our families and to Brena, Luke, Michelle, Jess and Ann Maree for all their efforts in supporting and preparing our students for this sacrament.
Catholic Education Week
We had a fabulous day in the heart of Melbourne with our amazing school leaders, where we joined together with other Catholic schools from our archdiocese to celebrate Catholic Education Week. The celebrations began at St Patrick's Cathedral for Mass followed by a concert and games in the park. A unifying experience joining together with other Catholic schools in our region, kindly transported by Salesian College Sunbury.
Visit from Mark Brockhus
Senior students spent the morning hearing all about high school life at Salesian College Sunbury from Principal Mark Brockhus and a couple of very familiar faces! We welcomed back Xavier and James, two of St Brigid’s 2022 graduates, to tell us about their transition to high school.
Congratulations to Summer, through to Regional Swimming for Breaststroke after an epic comeback.