Principal's Message

Carnival Day is here and the sun is shining and everything is ready to go. This is a special event for our school and broader community and I am looking forward to a fabulous evening with you all. Thank you to our staff and parent community for leading and contributing to this special event.
Year 4 Camp
The Year 4 camp to Philip Island was a great success and I enjoyed the opportunity to see our students come together to enjoy all of the camp experiences on offer. A huge thank you to our staff for taking time away to ensure that the students were well supported. I would also like to thank our parent helpers John, Anna, Kevin, Phary, Rui, Shabnam, Jecil, Murali, Eleni and Leo for their contribution to the camp. They were actively involved in all of the activities, supporting the children and staff in so many ways. We are very grateful to you.
End of Term 1
Next Thursday, 28 March is the last day of Term 1. School will finish at 2.30pm so please book your children into Their Care if you are unable to collect them at this time.
We will see everyone return to school for the start of Term 2 on Monday 15 April.
A special thanks to our dedicated staff for providing a rich and supportive learning environment for our students. Mount View Primary School is a fabulous place to be and I appreciate the work of every member of the team.
Thank you to our parents and carers for your support and engagement in our school community. We value the contribution that you make to our school.
I hope that you have a happy and safe school holiday.