What a lively, enthusiastic, and curious beginning to Japanese from the 4-year-old kindergarten children! They have engaged in songs, stories, games, festive celebrations, spinning tops, and origami, their faces adorned with wide smiles. It is wonderful to have the opportunity to play in Japanese at kindergarten at Box Hill North. 

Commencing the year in Prep with the theme of 'Making Friends' has been wonderfully enriching. We have been practicing greeting others, introducing ourselves and sharing basic information with our newfound friends. We have enjoyed stories, songs, puppets, and games as we have learnt about Japan, Japanese language, and our classmates. The Preps have loved having the Japanese Captains visit their classes.

Grade 1/2 have been enjoying the topic 'Japanese Cartoon Character Families'. Students were introduced to vocabulary related to family members and actively practiced these new words while exploring the families of famous Japanese cartoon characters such as Hello Kitty, Keroppi, and Doraemon. These photos capture students reading family member words in Japanese script and working in pairs to build a sentence to describe the make-up of a cartoon character’s family.Top of Form

Grade 3/4 students have been using some basic language (such as numbers) while learning to express praise, support, and respect for others as we have investigated traditional toys and games enjoyed by Japanese children. Students tried their skill on a Japanese toy called a Kendama and finished the term by making an origami model. Students were creative to design their own tricks and used their new language skills to encourage and support their classmates.

Grade 5/6 students have been preparing to share information about themselves when they meet a person for the first time. Students are being challenged to add as much information as they can to their self -introduction with a karate style ranking system. The aim is for the children to move from a simple self-introduction to a more difficult one until students are introducing themselves including their name, birthday, likes, dislikes, family members, pets etc.


