What's been happening this week? 

PE News

This Term in PE we have been establishing routines and practising our sporting skills, we have also had the opportunity to participate in Sporting Clinics from Koonung Comets Basketball Club, Surrey Park Lacrosse Club and Camberwell Dragons Basketball Club.

Get Ready to Run!!

Next Term we will be running our House Cross Country at Elgar Park on Monday 29th April. More details to follow.

Buddy Scavenger Hunt

This week, our year 6 students co-ordinated a Scavenger Hunt for our Preps.  The Year 6s ran all of the stations.  There were fun challenges to complete ranging from an egg and spoon race to deciphering words.  Year 5 students helped support and coach their prep buddies in completing the stations!  There were smiles all around!

Koonung Secondary College Visit

It was terrific to welcome back ex students to give an insight into secondary school.  They learnt about clubs, lockers, elective subjects and all the opportunities secondary school offers.


Here is a collection of some of the fabulous artworks our students have been collaborating this term.

Autumn Mosaics in 5/6

Night sky Collages in 1/2

Self-portraits in Prep

Watercolour Autumn Leaves in 3/4