A message from David 

Principal's Report

This term has absolutely flown by and we are so impressed with the way all children in the Kinder and Primary School have embraced their learning. The sense of curiosity in the classrooms and interpersonal connection in the playground has made for a positive experience. 


Thank you to the incredible teachers and support staff who continue to commit their role beyond expectation, ensuring every child’s needs are being appropriately challenged and supported. I am really proud of their collective effort. What really stands out is the type of daily conversations between staff in the corridors, in the staff room, before and after hours, all centred on what is best for students. 


And a very big thank you to you as parents, carers and family. The way our community values education in a balanced approach that encompasses the social, emotional and academic progression of children of all ages is evident everywhere. We are most fortunate to have a community centred on working as one. 


I would like to acknowledge the work of both, Justin Wong and Charlotte Tay. Justin is taking a different direction to concentrate on his independent music business. His dedication in the performing arts has inspired students to engage in many different activities that embrace the arts. 



Charlotte has been instrumental in her role as Kindergarten Director. She has steadily built the program with her team to reach capacity and an extended waiting list of families wanting to join the community. This speaks volumes to her approach based on kindness, compassion and genuine care for children, staff and families. As a parent, I can attest to the difference that Charlotte makes in the lives of young people, having two of my children learn through her teaching. Charlotte – we wish you and Shaun well in becoming parents in the near future!


Student Leadership

A big shout out to our senior students who were nominated by teachers to take a leading role at the Sports Gala Day. They each impressed beyond belief through their coaching, mentoring and integrity. I have personally received phone calls from neighbouring schools, congratulating these students on their approach towards supporting students within their responsibility. Great work kids, we are really proud of you.


Every Minute Counts

Next term, we will continue to focus on prompt arrival times to ensure every student maximises their learning opportunities. This week, we trialled an additional feature through Compass to alert families via a text message when children have not arrived at school as expected. With the exception of illness, we aim to have all students in classrooms at 8:50am to allow them time to settle in, connect with their teacher and peers, before lessons begin at 9am. This initiative will be rolled out to all families in Term 2 and with your support, we can continue to enhance the learning experience for all.


Easter Raffle and Cup Cake Stall

Thank you to our PFA and community for your generous contribution towards this years’ Easter Raffle. Many students (and parents), have walked past the enormous display of goodies with a hint of optimism in taking out one of the 12 prizes! The traditional cup-cake stall always impresses and is sure to be a hit with the kids after assembly this afternoon. 

Happy Holidays

On behalf of the staff at Box Hill North, I wish everyone a wonderful holiday. This is a great opportunity to take time with family and friends and enjoy the small things. We have many great things planned for Term 2 and can’t wait to see everyone return on Monday 15th April.

