Kindergarten News

and Upcoming Calendar Events

The Acacia 3’s have been so excited for Easter over the past couple of weeks.  We’ve planned lots of sensory and creative experiences for the children to explore featuring Easter eggs, chicks, bunnies, stickers and rainbow rice.  We even had a visit from the Easter Bunny and discovered treats hidden around our playground.  He must have been very hungry while he was hopping through Kinder because we found some carrots he had been nibbling on for his lunch.

To connect with our local community, we organized a Kinder Hot Cross Bun fundraiser with the generous support of Trawool St Bakery.  We managed to raise just over $200 to go towards establishing our kitchen garden for the children to be able to look after and harvest during the year.  Thank you to all the families who supported us by ordering delicious hot cross buns.

We hope all our families have a happy and safe Easter and school holidays and look forward to seeing you all back in 2 weeks!

Would you like to find our more about our Kinder?

We would love to invite you to tour our kindergarten.  For tours, please contact Charlotte (kindergarten director) on 98971265 or register here (via our website).


The link to our central enrolment system to enroll for 2023 is below: