STA Information & Forms
St Anthony's Clovelly
58 Arden Street
Clovelly 2031
STA Information & Forms
St Anthony's Clovelly
58 Arden Street
Clovelly 2031
Phone Number: 9665 7399
STA Before & After School Supervision & Traffic Management Plan
School hats:
School hats are purchased from the school office for $20. We have a year 5 & 6 cap or the bucket hat for K-4. If you purchase a hat from the second hand uniform cupboard (or any other uniform item) please ensure you label these items so that if they are lost, they can be returned to your child.
Late arrivals to school:
A reminder that if your child arrives late to school, after the bell has gone at 8.55am, you will need to bring them to the office and sign them in using the Compass Kiosk. Please do not ask your child to sign themselves in. As it is parent drop off, a parent (or carer) must sign the child in late.
There are lots of children arriving late to school, after the roll has been marked, and the child is being sent to the office to be marked in late given the teacher has already marked the roll. This is providing quite a lot of interruptions to office staff. If this happens, the office will not be marking your child in late, and you will receive notification of an unexplained absence.
A reminder also, that for partial day absences (late arrivals/early departures) please do not put these on Compass as your child needs to be signed in or out using the Compass Kiosk at the office. Only full day absences can be recorded on Compass - partial absences come up as an error on your child's profile if entered any other way than the Compass Kiosk.
Saturday Vigil: 5.00pm
Sunday: 9.00am
Monday: No Mass
Tuesday: 6.15pm Mass
Wednesday: 9.00am Mass
Thursday: 9.00am Mass (Rosary after Mass)
Friday: 9.00am Mass