Connect: Year 5

Welcome back to Term 2! 

Key dates - Year 5

  • ANZAC Day, public holiday - Thursday 25th April
  • Mother's Day Stall - Tuesday 7th May
  • District Cross Country - Monday 13th May

The Next Fortnight of Learning


In the next two weeks students will be engaged in a text study of Roald Dahl's novel The BGF. This involves reviewing book club roles and expectations to develop comprehension strategies for reading. In writing students will be exploring memoir texts. Students will compare the differences between memoirs, recounts and biographies. They will map their own personal experiences and memories to inspire a draft of their own memoir. We will be utilising Remembering Lionsville and Where the Water Meets the Sea as our two mentor texts to guide students text structure and language. 



Over the next two weeks students will be focusing on the topic of fractions in their maths learning. We will explore naming, ordering and representing various fractions. Students will use number lines to compare, order and name fractions. Additionally, they will work collaboratively to solve worded problems in which they will share different strategies and approaches. 



This term in Inquiry students will learn about the values of Australian democracy and the key features of the electoral process. They will learn about the responsibilities of the three levels of government, the Stolen Generations and the fight for equal rights in Australia. They will set personal and social goals and work as a class towards a common goal.



Over the next two weeks in Wellbeing students will be learning to identify scenarios we might face in our everyday life that we can resolve ourselves, with a friend or seek help from a trusted adult. The learning will encourage students to build resilience and celebrate their ability to solve everyday problems independently. 

Celebration of Learning

Year 5 Travel Expo

Thank you so much to all the families that came to our Year 5 Travel Expo on the last day of Term 1. We were overwhelmed with the amount of support and families that came in to share in our student's learning. It was a really positive way to finish what had been a terrific unit of learning for our students. We look forward to doing more things like this throughout the year! 

House Cross Country 

This week students from Years 3-6 gathered at the school oval to participate in house cross country. Despite the weather all students cheered on their teams and participated with enthusiasm.

Kitchen Garden - 5A

A lovely start back for our 5A students this week enjoying Kitchen Garden with Mrs Furlong on Wednesday. On the menu this week was Gnocchi with sage butter, salt bush bread and a radish salad! Yum :-)