Connect: Year 2

Welcome to Term 2! We have hit the ground running with learning this week and are very impressed with how well the students have settled back into school and the quality of work they have produced. This term is a big one, 11 weeks, but we are one week down already and are sure it will fly by!

Key Dates

Wednesday 24th AprilANZAC Assembly- 10.30am
Thursday 25th AprilANZAC Day Public Holiday (no school)
Monday 6th MayMothers Day Mixer (more info to come)
Tuesday 7th MayMothers Day Stall
Friday 10th MayWalk to School Day


  • Please send in your child's reading satchel everyday. We go to Library on Thursday so please ensure their satchel and/or library bag is packed or they will not be able to borrow for home.
  • Learning starts promptly in the morning. Please remember to take/remind your child to use the toilet before the 8.45am bell so nothing important is missed. 
  • Please be mindful that mornings are a time filled with lesson prepping, staff collaboration and preparation for the day. We are always happy to schedule meetings with parents and guardians on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons, alternatively feel free to email us with any questions, comments or concerns.  
  • Thank you to those who have joined our Class Dojo's so far. If you are yet to do so, please check for a Dojo link in your emails asking you to join our class to see your child's progress. 

Upcoming Learning


Our phonics focus in the upcoming weeks is 'er' as in river monster cake, 'ir' as in dirty shirt, 'ur' as in bursting balloons, 'air' as in airy fairy fair and 'oo' as in boo the goose. Students will be exploring the text Anzac Ted in Reading to build an understanding of ANZAC Day and will then write a letter from Ted's perspective. We will then launch into our Author Study of Mem Fox in Week 3. 



During Maths students have continued to explore Place Value up to four-digit numbers with a focus on ways to represent them with physical and pictorial materials. Grade Twos are still engaging in our authentic Problem-Solving lessons with a focus on money and addition. Our students have enjoyed the game 'Mastermind' and will continue playing this to improve maths fluency. The students are continuing to enjoy Esti Mysteries, so we have included one below for you to do at home.



Our Term 2 Inquiry topic is called 'Stimulating Science' and focuses on the way everything in our physical world can change. They will build an understanding of how and why changes occur and how they help us in our daily lives. Below is an outline of the unit with more detail...



Term Two has the Wellbeing focus of 'Gender & Identity' where students will explore the following topics: identity (comparing personal preferences), Labels are for jars not for people, inclusive gender stories and using personal strengths to resist gender stereotyping. We are continuing to explore the Zones of Regulation and students are developing their ability to articulate what zone they are in and share why. Students are continuing to earn Dojo points for displaying the Skye Primary School values relating to Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Relationship. 


A Celebration of Learning

Last term, the Grade 2 students celebrated Harmony Day. They enjoyed listening to picture story books such as Whoever You Are and I'm Australian Too by Mem Fox and learning about Harmony Day and what it means for us. They then completed beautiful, dot inspired artworks that are hanging proudly in our classrooms...check out the pictures below!



Enjoy your weekend!

Hailee, Krystal, Maddy & Emma