Connect: Year 1

Hello families and welcome to Term 2


It has been lovely to see children return to school after the break ready for learning. 

We have some exciting things happening this Term with one of them being an excursion to visit Moonlit Sanctuary. This will be happening in week 3. More details to follow.

Our Inquiry this Term is all about helpers within our community and we are asking for some support from any family members that could volunteer some of their time to come in and speak to our students about your job and what it is you do. Are you a firefighter, Paramedic, Police person or do you play another important role within our community? If so, we would love to hear from you. We will be sending out an email soon with further details around this.


Shanae, Michelle, Julieanne and Fiona.


 Key dates



Tuesday 25th AprilAnzac Day-Curriculum day
Tuesday 7th MayMother's Day stall.
Friday 24th MaySausage sizzle
17th-21st JuneSwimming


Term 2 students are no longer required to wear a hat at school for play.


Thank you to those that are reminding their children to use the bathroom prior to the school bell. This allows all other students to learn without unnecessary distractions.

What we are learning in Grade 1


Students have been learning how to read, write and spell different words with the 'igh', 'ie' and 'y' sound as in 'high', 'pie' and 'sky'.   Next week’s phoneme will be ‘ar’ as in ‘car’.

We have been discussing what needs to be included in our writing to form a complete sentence, like 'who, what and where?'.

We have been practicing some of our 7.1 heart words. You can find these in your child's homework book for extra support at home.

We have been continuing to explore schema and exploring different vocabulary. The students enjoyed the story The fearsome, Frightening, Ferocious box. We used Procedure texts and had a go at making our own paper planes.



We are learning about place value, identifying where the tens and one's columns are and how to form teen numbers correctly.  Students are building skills on number bonds while using math vocabulary to support their thinking. We are learning different strategies to solve addition problems and continuing to use our mathematician hats to solve inquiry problems. We have been learning math games in the classroom that students have all enjoyed. Scroll down to see some of the students enjoying one of our math games in the classroom



Term Two our focus is on teaching students a range of coping strategies to help children deal with emotions that can arise throughout the day. Learning skills to solve problems and face fears provides our children with skills they can tap into throughout their lives. 

Students are continuing to earn Dojo points for displaying the Skye Primary School values relating to Respect, Responsibility, Resilience and Relationship. 



Term Two sees Grade 1 exploring our surrounding community with a focus on what makes a community and all the different helpers within our community. This week we started this Inquiry unit by brainstorming some of the things we find within our community such as Doctors, shops and schools.