Important Notices

Final Day of Term One - 2:30pm dismissal

A reminder that tomorrow is the last day of Term One!   

Students will need to be collected at 2:30pm.   If you are unable to collect your child at 2:30pm, please book a space for them in the Team Kids after school program. 


Term Two will begin on Monday 15th April, 2024.  

Athletics Day

On the final day of term 1 (tomorrow - Thursday 28th March), we will be running our annual Athletics Day here at SKiPPS.


The Athletics Day will start straight after morning assembly. Students will be running, jumping, hurdling, throwing, shot-putting, egg and spoon racing, sack racing and lots of other active and fun events.


  • Our Foundation - Year 2 students will compete in the park area at the back of the school from 9:30 - 10:40am. 
  • Our Year 3-6 students will complete their activities on the oval at the side of the school all morning - 9:30am - 1pm.

Groups will rotate around different events with their teachers and we require some parent, carer, friend volunteers to work at each event as a measurers, timers, recorders and general support.


This is a really fun event and a way to finish the term with a bang! We hope you can help us out by signing up.  sign up to help at 

Raising the Pride Flag

We had a special visitor at school yesterday - Justine Dalla-Riva, the CEO of the Victorian Pride Centre (located just down Fitzroy Street).


The Pride Centre generously donated a 'Progress Pride' Flag to the school following the decision by School Council to fly the Pride flag at SKiPPS to acknowledge the many different family types that form our community, demonstrate our commitment to inclusion and to ensuring that everyone feels welcome at this school.

Justine took part in a small ceremony to raise the flag and we think it looks great and sends a positive message to our school community.

Term 2 - 'Talking the Talk' sexuality education

As usual in term 2, our school will once again be delivering the 'Talking the Talk' sexuality and relationships education program to students.



The program has been designed by Vanessa Hamilton, an expert in this area to provide children with age-appropriate information around Sexuality, Consent and Respectful Relationships.


We understand that many parents will have questions about the program and further information will be sent home at the start of next term.


We do encourage all families to attend an online information session that Vanessa will run for our families on the evening of the 6th May (week 4 of term).


The classroom sessions will commence week 5.




























































































































































































































































































































































































































































































Robotics and Chess in Term 2 - enrol online now!