
Wednesday of the Second Week of Easter


Amid this most sacred season, we would like to take this opportunity to extend our warmest wishes of peace, love, and hope to our Boarding Community during this  Easter period.


At the heart of Easter lies the essence of our faith; the triumph of life over death, light over darkness, and hope over despair. This sacred week invites us to contemplate the ultimate sacrifice of Jesus Christ, whose unwavering love saw him lay down his life for us. By his resurrection, he overcomes death so that we may share in eternal life.


May the coming School holiday and Easter period be a time for family, community, and spiritual renewal.


“God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son, so that everyone who believes in him might not perish but might have eternal life.” John 3:16



My glorious Lord, You came to us as the greatest Gift ever imagined. You are the gift of the Father in Heaven. You were sent out of love for the purpose of saving us and drawing us into the glory of eternity. Help me to understand and believe all that You are and to receive You as the saving Gift for Eternity. Jesus, I trust in You.