Letter to Family and Friends

Dear Pilgrim Families,


Celebrating Easter: Reflecting on the Death and Resurrection of Jesus and Its Impact Today

As we approach the Easter season, it is a wonderful opportunity for us to delve deeper into the significance of this profound event. At Pilgrim, we recognise Easter as a time to remember the death and the joy and wonder of the resurrection of Jesus Christ and reflect on how this continues to influence our communities today.


This week Joel Overweel came to speak to our community at our Worship/Assembly time. Joel was previously a teacher at Pilgrim School and now works in the Wellbeing Team at Emmaus Christian College. Joel spoke about how God restores relationship with us through Jesus. He created a visual reminder for us to remember the message of Easter. Starting with a mound of soil, Joel added three crosses. He then inserted a small pot as a tomb covering this with soil and placed a rock in front. Joel placed a row of white pebbles from the tomb to the cross to remind us of the path that restores us to God as we understand Christ's death and resurrection and we invite Jesus into our lives. Finally, Joel sprinkled some grass seeds on the Easter Garden to represent the seeds, seemingly dying, being planted, and then new life springing up from the Earth. 


Finding Hope in Challenging Times

In a world often plagued by uncertainty, division, and despair, Easter serves as a beacon of hope and a reminder of the transformative power of faith and redemption. During personal struggles, challenges within communities, and global crises, the Easter message offers solace and strength. It reminds us that even in our darkest moments, there is the promise of new life, renewal, and the assurance of God's unwavering love and grace. The resurrection of Jesus teaches us that no obstacle is insurmountable and that through faith, we can emerge from adversity with renewed hope and purpose.


Embracing Forgiveness and Redemption

Easter also prompts us to reflect on the themes of forgiveness and redemption. Just as Jesus' sacrifice on the cross paved the way for the forgiveness of sins, Easter encourages us to extend grace and compassion to others, fostering reconciliation and healing in our relationships. It reminds us of the power of second chances and the transformative impact of extending forgiveness, both to ourselves and to others.


Wishing You a Blessed Easter

As we come together to celebrate Easter, let us embrace the profound message of hope and renewal that this event brings. May the story of Jesus' death and resurrection remind us that God wants to be in strong relationship with each and every one of us and makes a way for this through Jesus.


Hoping this Easter break would be a rich and refreshing break for you and your family. 


In His service,


Andrew Edmondson
