Students of the Week

Term 1 - Weeks 7 & 8
Week 7
Sam I - Well done Sam! You have had such a fantastic start to Foundation. I have been so impressed with the way you come into school each day, ready to learn! You always try your best, listen to feedback and help others if they need it. You are making new friendships and I can see why, you are such a kind and caring friend! Congratulations little legend!
Cleo B - For your radiant smile in the morning, fantastic pocket practice and adding those delightful finer details to your work. It's wonderful to see your dedication and positive attitude toward your learning. Keep shining brightly!
Ben G - For being such a kind and considerate student who is always looking for ways to help other classmates and his teachers. Ben, you always try your best and you are an excellent role model to your peers. Well done!
William C - Congratulations William! You have shown a huge improvement with your writing already this term. You should be very proud of your hard work and dedication to your learning. Keep it up, champion!
Lincoln L - Lincoln, I have been so impressed with the way you have been going with your reading, working hard in Reading Groups and showing a great attitude in the classroom. Well done, superstar!
Lachie T - I have been so impressed with the way you are engaged in every lesson, trying your best and showing respect to others.
Penny B - For your wonderful contributions to our class story ‘Little Miss Disco’. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and we have loved you sharing your idea with us. We were very impressed with the vocabulary you were using. Well done, Penny!
Ted S - Well done for having a positive attitude and for working hard to make good choices in class. You have shown that you are a kind and helpful friend who can support others in their learning. Keep up the amazing effort!
William E - Will you have settled into Grade 3 beautifully and approached this NAPLAN week with a positive and courageous attitude. Sensational effort, Will!
Ella C - Ella, thank you being such a positive member of our classroom. You show enthusiasm and determination in your learning and consistently display respect and care towards others. Thanks for being such a wonderful member of 3/4B - we're lucky to have you!
Matthew V - For tackling each challenge in our classroom with a growth mindset. Well done on seeking help from others and working hard to achieve your goals.
Esti C - For consistently challenging yourself in all learning areas, showing curiosity to learn more and for being a kind and positive classmate to all. Esti, we feel lucky to have you in 3/4M!
Lewis C - Lewis, you identified one of your main character strengths to be your love, and how true this speaks. The love you have for learning, along with the love you give to your family, your classmates and of course your puppy! 3/4R are so lucky to have you. Keep up the great work!
Ben S - Ben, I am so proud of the way you embraced courage over fear and dove headfirst into Grade 6 camp. With each challenge embraced you surfed through fears and doubts, conquering them one wave at a time. From navigating ropes courses to diving into new friendships, you showed that when you catch the right wave of determination, you can ride any adventure that comes your way. Keep up the great work, Ben!
Matilda E - Matilda, I admire your dedication towards your learning and how you put so much effort into each day at school. You should be very proud of your achievements. Well done, champ!
Vianne C - Well done on an excellent start to the year and an amazing camp, V! They say ‘Red Bull gives you wings', but in 5/6S we get our wings from V!
Tash H - For stepping out of your comfort zone and giving everything a ‘red hot go’ on camp!
Loke B - Throughout Grade 6 Camp, many of the teachers commented on how impressed they were with every task you undertook, each challenge you faced and decision you made. Congratulations on the maturity and integrity that you demonstrated. You were an exceptional team member and made the most of every moment. You should feel enormously proud, as I am of you.
Rory S (2K) - For your focus and hard work in your Japanese class! Well done, keep up the great work!
Week 8
Edward K - Congratulations Edward! What a fantastic first term of school you have had! I love the way you walk into school each day, with a smile on your face, ready to learn! You always try your best with everything that you do and you don’t give up! Keep up the amazing work Edward!
Winter H - Congratulations Winter, your kindness, enthusiasm and positive energy light up our classroom. You always give your best effort in every task and you should be proud of your amazing first term of school. Well done, superstar!
Evie R - Congratulations Evie! Your endless enthusiasm and excitement makes our school days brighter. With your cheerful spirit and love for learning, you embrace every part of school life with a positive attitude. Keep up the fantastic work!
Sophie F - Congratulations Sophie - you are a superstar! You are such a happy, caring and kind class member. You always put in your very best effort and have beautiful handwriting! Well done, legend!
Sidney P - Well done Sidney! I have been so impressed with your incredible attitude in reading, and the way that you always try your best no matter what activity we are working on. You should be so proud of your efforts!
Harriet W - You bring so much positivity to our class with your amazing attitude and always being ready to grow. Watching you improve every week is like watching a superhero in action!
Kira L - A little ray of sunshine. Your positivity and enthusiasm lights up our classroom. We are so proud of all the effort and attention you put into all of your classwork. Keep being your amazing self!
Noah M - Well done Noah, for having such an enthusiastic attitude towards learning and school life. You are always ready to learn and are a great role model for your classmates. Keep up the amazing effort!
Eva L - Eva, I love witnessing your thinking and inquisitive mind. Your focus and determination during maths this week has seen you challenge and stretch yourself really well within our addition and subtraction unit.
Alfie W-S - Alfie, thank you for being such an enthusiastic and positive member of 3/4B. You persist through all challenges and involve yourself within all parts of the classroom. Keep up the hard work!
Ollie W - For being such an enthusiastic and keen learner in our classroom. You are always keen to achieve your own goals, and then to help others do the same. Keep it up!
Niamh J - For your persistence and hard work during our addition and subtraction unit. You have been doing a wonderful job of stretching yourself to achieve your personal best! I am proud of all you have achieved and in seeing you celebrating the new skills you have built!
Mila C - Mila, congratulations for the incredible information report you have been working so hard on this week. Thank you for allowing the class to read it as an example, you should be very proud of yourself. Keep up the great work!
Elise W - Elise, I am so proud of the way you overcame your initial apprehensions and conquered the challenges of NAPLAN with determination and resilience. You also showed an exceptional effort in creating your meticulously detailed fraction wall. You showcased your talent and dedication to mastering our mathematical concepts. Keep up the great work!
Sadie N - Sadie, I have been super impressed with how you have applied your learning of fractions, decimals and percentages and how well you work independently. Well done, champion!
Neve R - Neve, we are so lucky to have you in 5/6S. You’re so kind, polite and well-mannered it’s unbeNEVEable! Keep up the amazing work!
Riley Mc - For being inquisitive, asking lots of questions and always trying your best.
Joshua McD - Josh, the world is at your feet, and you have so much to be proud of. You give your best effort in every situation, and work things out when you are unsure - a great problem solver! You consistently demonstrate compassion, kindness and warmth towards your teachers and peers, and when you smile and feel self-confident, you can do anything! Keep believing in yourself and you will go so far! I am so proud of you.