
It is hard to believe it is getting close to the end of term already. We have had a busy term with different events and celebrations. Year 5/6 students have recently worked on Hinamatsuri (Girls' Day celebrated in Japan), International Women’s Day, and Harmony Day. For International Women’s Day, our students researched a significant woman in Japan who has contributed to society, science, or literature, such as the first female astronaut Chiaki Mukai.
Esha & Ilsa
As we had Harmony Day this week, students participated in an activity to find out about the diversity at our school through some questions. Later, they completed the "Watashi wa supesharu!" – I am special activity. Students filled an outlined body with all the colours and patterns to represent the countries with which they have connections. They then reflected on which countries, cultures, and languages had influenced their lives: where they were born, where they have lived, where their parents and grandparents are from, as well as the countries they feel connected to due to their visits or the people they have met. All these experiences shape our minds and nurture our hearts.
It is nice to reflect on these and feel grateful for all the people and experiences. Many students said that they learned something they did not know about their classmates through the activity and had a moment of reflection on what their identities are. I too, really appreciated learning about our diversity and more about our students through these learning activities.
Best Regards,
Junko Sensei
Japanese Language Teacher