Health & P.E.

Mrs Natalie Costa
P.E Specialist Teacher
Regional Swimming Championships
Congratulations Kitt Izard, she’s off to the STATE SWIMMING CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!
Kitt came 1st in backstroke and 2nd in freestyle.
What an amazing achievement.
We are so proud of all our swimmers who competed at Regionals yesterday, you all performed so well!
District Tennis Championships
In some exciting sports news, Emily Hebden has advanced through to the REGIONAL TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS on Monday!
Emily represented MPS yesterday at the Regional Swimming Championships and then has her tennis championships on Monday!
WOW Emily, we are so proud of you, what a superstar! 😊
We can’t wait to see the amazing things you will achieve.
We have had some fun sessions in P.E this week. We have made a human caterpillar, relay races, scarecrow tiggy, toilet tag, musical statues, NRL rugby clinics, we have had the beep test assessment, wheelbarrow races, rob the nest, the party freeze song, paper, scissors rock hoops and more!
We even had some wet weather indoor – GO DANNY songs. SO much physical activity, so much teamwork and most of all, so much FUN!