Leadership @ MPS

Grade 6 Camp Update
Some great news! As a result of the fabulous fundraising efforts from our Grade 5/6 teachers and students, we are able to provide a $30 credit per student, meaning that Zooper Dooper and Gnocchi sales reduced the camp costing by $30 per family! This is a wonderful effort and thank you to all those in our community who purchased gnocchi and sent gold coins to school for Zooper Doopers. Grade 4 students will attend camp in Term 4 and we know they are already thinking about opportunities for fundraising!
Just a few things happened this week...
Harmony Day
Harmony Week is the celebration that recognises our diversity and brings together Australians from all different backgrounds. It is about inclusiveness, respect and a sense of belonging for everyone. During the week, our students were involved in some interesting Harmony Day activities and on Thursday, celebrated by dressing in orange!
Ride to School Day
What a gorgeous morning, weather wise, for our annual Ride to School day. Congratulations to everyone that cycled, scooted or walked to school. Thank you to our Grade 6 leaders who directed traffic and organised the dedicated bike/scooter areas!
Neurodiversity Week
At assembly today, we recognised that it is also Neurodiversity Celebration Week! This is a worldwide initiative that challenges stereotypes and misconceptions about neurological differences and an opportunity to recognise the many talents and advantages of being neurodivergent.
Click on the link here to view the clip that our Monty students watched today about neurodiversity.
Thank you to 3/4A for your presentation today!
Comedy Night - Term 2
A huge thank you to Chloe Jeffers who has managed to secure some great names for our inaugural Comedy Night, to be held on June 14 at the Petrie Park hall. All proceeds raised will go towards the completion of an additional Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden and supplement the SAKG program.
We will be opening ticket sales early next term but for now, save the date!
We will be relying heavily on the goodwill of our Monty community to run this event and will need volunteers to assist with the following:
- Silent Auction organisers (seeking donations, setting up auction pieces at location)
- Hall set up
- Bar sales (RSA required)
- Various other - tbc!
Please let Dan or Ali know if you are able to assist.
Easter Raffle ticket sales (link here)
Our Easter Hamper Raffle will be drawn at the Easter Hat Parade on the last day of term Thursday, 28th March at 1:30pm! (school finishes at 2:30pm)
Ticket sales will close at 11am on the same day.
We still need a few more helpers for hamper wrapping on Monday, 25th of March at 9:30am – so if you can spare some time you can put your name down here.
Have a lovely weekend,
Janene and Paul