
Communicating with the Foundation Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Holly Peters
Lisa Dam
Amy Ryde
Welcome to Term 2! The children have returned from a much deserved break with great enthusiasm and an eagerness to learn.
Our topic for Inquiry in Term 2 is Science! Throughout the term, students will investigate how they are Scientists by nature and how people use Science in their daily lives.
They will participate in a variety of guided investigations, including making observations using the senses, to explore and answer questions. Through a variety of engaging learning activities, we have been investigating the following questions:
What is a scientist?
Why is science important?
How does science relate to my world?
What words can I use to describe the properties of materials?
What materials are objects made from?
The students are so excited about this topic and are very keen to participate and learn more about the world around them.
So far the students have used their senses to investigate the properties of a variety of materials and developed their vocabulary by using different describing words to discuss their features.
The Foundation students will predict, question and observe Science through a range of fun and engaging experiments and explore physical and chemical changes. They will be making and recoding predictions (in their own scientific journal) about what might happen before and after each experiment.
As Specialists classes have begun we thought it would be useful for you to know which days these occur. When students are participating in Health and Physical Education (HPE) and Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) it would be best if they were wearing sneakers or shoes that they can move around in. Please note that this timetable can change! We will keep you updated if this occurs.
FA | FB | FC |
Monday: Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) | Monday: Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) | Monday: Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) |
Tuesday: Visual Arts (VA) and Health and Physical Education (HPE) | Tuesday: Auslan and Physical Education | Tuesday: Performing Arts and Physical Education (HPE) |
Thursday: Auslan and Performing Arts | Thursday: Performing Arts and Visual Arts (VA) | Thursday: Visual Arts (VA) and Auslan |
We are looking forward to an exciting first term of learning! If you have any questions please contact us via email or in person.