Health & Physical Education

Communicating with the Specialist Team
We look forward to partnering with you in 2024, and welcome your input:
Justin Scicluna (Health & Physical Education)
What a busy few weeks we have had in the Health & Physical Education Curriculum!
2024 House Captains
House Captain Wrap
Curriculum Update
Over the past few weeks, the Foundation Students have commenced their overarm throwing unit. The initial focus was on exposing the students to the required technique which they know as the strongman/girl throw. After they all spent some time practising and implementing the technique we progressed on to an activity which called up their throw accuracy. This game is called Level Up and requires the students to throw a beanbag into hoops at varying distances. It was great to watch the students confidence grow as the lessons progressed.
One of the other lessons incorporated a number of factors such as throwing distance, accuracy, decision making and teamwork. We completed this lesson through stationed activities where each student spent roughly 5-6 minutes at each station.
Year One/Two:
Over the past few weeks, the Level 1 & 2 Students have commenced their overarm throwing unit. The initial focus was to call on prior learnings from the students and see what they remembered about the strongman/girl throw. We then went on to re-watch a video detailing the actions required in the overarm throw technique. After they all spent some time practising and implementing the technique we progressed on to an activity which called up their throw accuracy. This game is called Level Up and requires the students to throw a beanbag into hoops at varying distances. It was great to watch the students confidence grow as the lessons progressed.
The Level 1 students participated in a lesson which incorporated a number of factors such as throwing distance, accuracy, decision making and teamwork. We completed this lesson through stationed activities where each student spent roughly 5-6 minutes at each station.
The Level 2 students applied their learnings to a game called The Running Person. In this game students had to make it from one end of the gym to the other and back without bit hit by the team throwing the ball at them.
Year Three/Four:
Over the past fortnight, the Level 3-4 students commenced their unit involving Athletics. The focus of this unit was around the field events such as Long Jump, High Jump, Discus and Shot Put. The first two lessons incorporated both Long and High Jump. These events are very different in their own right but call upon some of the same skills and Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS). It was fantastic to see the students aim to beat their previous jump/score through each lesson.
Year Five/Six:
Over the past fortnight, the Level 5-6 students commenced their unit involving Athletics. The focus of this unit was around the field events such as Long Jump, High Jump, Discus and Shot Put. The first two lessons incorporated both Long and High Jump. These events are very different in their own right but call upon some of the same skills and Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS). It was fantastic to see the students aim to beat their previous jump/score through each lesson.
USPS 3-6 House Athletics Carnival:
On Tuesday 16th April we held our Localised House Colour Athletics Trials at Bill Sewart. It was wonderful to see so many bright colours in action as the students got into the team spirit. As a school we are super proud of all the students efforts on the day. It was great to see students push themselves in each event and take themselves out of their comfort zone and give different things a go. At the end of the day the 2024 House Colour Champions were Wattle.
Students who placed in the top two for their event or top four for the 100m sprint will now progress to the District Carnival in Term Three (Date TBC).
Upcoming Events
Friday 10th May – School House Colour Cross Country (11am-12:40pm)
Monday 13th May – Level 34 Hooptime Carnival (Select students only)
Friday 24th May – District Cross Country (Cyrstalbrook Park)
Wednesday 29th May - Level 56 Hooptime Carnival (Select students only)
Friday 7th June – Level 56 District Winter Sport