Specialist Subjects 

Science / Music / Arts

Last Thursday we had the good fortune of a free concert from Musica Viva. Four musicians, Emily, Ronny, Andy and Reuben entertained us for an hour with their IMAGINATION EXPLORATION concert. They played the bass guitar, drums, synthesisers and trumpet to make different sounds and rhythms and how it can all fit together to create a piece of music. The Preps, Year 1, 2, 5 & 6 students have had the opportunity in their music classes to find objects or instruments in the music room which can make a sound. We experimented with how many ways they could make different sounds on that object. We played them loudly, softly, fast, slow, with short sounds and long sounds... lots of fun!


The year 5/6 students have been participating in group music activities and will rotate through these in the following weeks. They have enjoyed playing 'Bop it!', Listening to a famous piece of music called the Typewriter by Leroy Anderson, composing a short tune on xylophones, experimenting with digital music in Chrome Music Lab, practising their note knowledge and where they are found on a music staff, and composing rhythm patterns by spinning a wheel. We ended our lesson with an old favourite, the parachute!


I hope you all found your artwork that was displayed in the multipurpose room and gallery last Tuesday during our Open afternoon.

The Year 3/4's First Fleet ships are particularly striking, created from painted papers, torn and overlapped to create the ocean and then 3D ships complete with masts and sails, (you may even find the odd lookout basket on a couple). They look fabulous! These students' dot paintings are also worth a look.

The Year 5/6 students have been learning and experimenting with different watercolour techniques, they chose their subject to paint. There is a wide variety of themes and scenes. They also used mixed media to create a reflective piece to commemorate ANZAC Day, using intricate cutting skills to cut silhouettes and 3D paper poppies.

The P-2 have been studying the elements of art - line, colour and shape in particular.

They have been learning about famous Swiss artist, Paul Klee (pronounced 'clay') and his love of line, colour and shape. They have used two of his artworks in particular, for inspiration... 'Cat and Bird' and 'Castle and Sun'. 

Last Wednesday was also National Simultaneous Storytime where we were one of more than 21,000 locations where the same story was read at the same time all across Australia. This year's story, Bowerbird blues by Aura Parker, was a delightful book about a satin bowerbird and his quest to find blue objects to decorate his bower and to find love. 

Students have had a go at drawing their own bowerbird using charcoal as a medium. They look fabulous!


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