Grade 3-6:

Grades 3, 4, 5, and 6 have had an exciting past 2 weeks in Reading lessons, where they have been focusing on the mentor text “The BFG”. Students have been able to enjoy reading this book independently, as well as working through a variety of creative and fun activities. Students have been able to study the characters in the text and create a character profile of their favourite characters. The students have also been able to learn about the themes in the book, as well as answering some comprehension questions.
During Writing lessons the past couple of weeks, students have been working on alternative endings to stories and Fractured Fairy Tales. Grades 3-6 have enjoyed how to write alternative endings to some very well known and popular fairytales. It has been great to see so much creativity and positivity during these writing lessons, and the feedback from the students has been amazing. In the coming weeks, students will continue to learn about how to write stories from different characters perspectives.
Grades 3-6 have been working on Money during the past 2 weeks of term, and they have really been enjoying the activities during this time. The students have been able to understand how money is used in the real world and were able to complete a variety of activities based on Australian Money.
Students have been able to develop their understanding of Australian coins/notes and have really enjoyed working on tasks where they needed to follow a budget. All students in the senior module are now very aware of how to follow a budget and are able to add up different amounts of money when working through worded equations. Grades 3, 4, 5 and 6 have thoroughly enjoyed the topic of Money and have been able to work very well in small groups to show their understanding, these students should be very proud of themselves.
Student Achievements: (Shael Dcunha's Communion)
Shael: On Sunday the 19th of May I received my first Holy Communion and the light of Jesus in my heart. This was a very busy day for myself and the family as there was a lot to plan and I was feeling quite nervous and excited. I got dressed up in my white tuxedo and then we went to Resurrection church. I got to go up to the front of the church all by myself as I was the only one receiving the holy eucharist. I go to a catholic church every Sunday with my two parents and two older sisters. This was a very important day for me as I had been looking forward to this event for quite some time. When I finally received the bread and wine, I was so happy as this mean that Jesus was now always going to be there to support me in good and bad times.
On Saturday the 25th of May I had a party to celebrate my communion. There were over 138 guests there and it was really nice to celebrate this special event with my friends and family. I was fortunate enough to do a 2-minute speech in front of everyone, as well as a choreographed dance. Overall, this was an amazing day and I am very proud of myself!