Prep to Grade 2:

What a fabulous fortnight we have had in the junior module! We continue to make great strides in our Little Learners literacy program, learning the sounds for /o/, /d/ and /g/. In numeracy, we are learning numbers 10 to 20, counting forwards and backwards. Using a number line, we are exploring one less, two less, and subtracting even bigger numbers. It is such a joy watching the children becoming such confident little learners!
We are continuing to learn about procedural texts, exploring how this type of writing gives us step-by-step instructions on how to complete a specific task. We have looked at examples of procedural writing, including recipes, science experiments and even Lego instruction booklets! This week, the children had a lot of fun designing and making their own mini pizza, which they all seemed to gobble up rather quickly! We will be using this experience to guide our final procedural writing task over the next two weeks - keep posted!
Finally, in the Resilience Project, we have been focusing on identifying and naming our emotions. Using the Zones of Regulation, the students have practiced describing their emotions as one of blue (sick, tired, bored, sad), green (calm, happy, focused), yellow (anxious, silly, annoyed) or red (angry, frustrated). Why not ask your lil' learner... "what zone are you in right now?"
We also love our visits to the library... Mrs Dennehy loves reading to her students!
Miss Emily took this photo last week...zoom in on the book title for a giggle!! ;)
1/2 A
This fortnight, our grade 1s have been continuing to work on their ability to decode and encode words with the /er/ sound and have explored how the suffix er is used to change the meaning of a word to mean more (big... bigger, sweet... sweeter) or to turn actions into the person who performs them (run... runner). Students have also learnt a new sound this week - the trigraph 'air' (hair, chair, stairs).
Grade 2s continued to word with the 'ed' suffix, as well as the alternative spelling for /e/ - 'ea' (bread, head, ready) and tricky word endings '-ture' /chuh/ (adventure, puncture) and '-sure' /zhuh/ (treasure, measure)
In Maths, we're finishing up our subtraction unit, having focussed on a handful of strategies including addition/subtraction fact families, counting back, and hopping back on a number line.
Inquisitive Minds
All students in the junior module joined in the reading of 'Bowerbird Blues' during the National Simultaneous Story Time on Wednesday 22nd May. During Inquisitive Minds, the students learnt about the satin bowerbird, most commonly found along the eastern side of Australia. We learnt that male satin bowerbirds construct their nest using twigs and sticks, positioning them in a vertical fashion, and decorating it with things they find specifically in the shade of blue - bottle top lids, bread tags, pegs, straws, and all manner of household waste! In groups of 3, students worked to collect materials from the playground to construct their own bower! The children thoroughly enjoyed this activity and worked so well together to achieve these stunning results!
This week we explored an important focus on National Sorry Day (26th May) and National Reconciliation Week. Foundation - 2 students did a fantastic job learning about and discussing very difficult topics with empathy and respect.