Principal's Update

I know I keep saying it - but we have had a very, very busy 2 weeks!
National Simultaneous Storytime - Bowerbird Blues
Emily - our library expert together with Mandy got us involved in the National Simultaneous Storyitme Project - over 2 million students were watching the Author Aura Parker read the story at the same time.
There were lots of classroom activities following on from the story.
Our Open Afternoon was a great success with many students and families participating in out STEM Super sleuth passport challenges!
Each class had a different activity to do and lots of fun was had.
Paper aeroplanes were created, some magical projects with little marshmellows and toothpicks, guess the secret ingredient in the chocolate muffins (made by our Stephanie Alexander Kitchen Garden Program team), Find your artwork, build your own catapult, make snow and rain clouds.
Thanks to our School Council President (Jo Price) and our Fundraising Coordinator (Jen Coles) for creating their stall and information on all that we do for the students here at WMPS. Jo...the cookies were delicious! Thank you
Wow! What an action packed session that was!
I looked up from the activities a few times and every single child was active all the time - there was no waiting or lining up - just constant activity!
The teachers did an amazing job - dancing up a storm!
Musica Viva
We were very lucky to have a live 4 piece band plus vocals come and perform for us.
The trumpet, guitar and drums seemed to be the most popular instruments!
Thanks Musica Viva!
STAFFING: our dynamic duo is changing....
While we are delighted for Hollie Brown to have been successful in her new role at Mount View Primary, we are sadly going to miss her being the face of WMPS, the finance guru and the go to person for us all.
Hollie, we do wish you every success and look forward to seeing you back here in your role as a parent!
A huge thank you from all of us at WMPS for your amazing work running our school.
Hollie's position has been advertised and recruitment processes are underway.
PS Clare you can't go anywhere!
The Question for the newsletter this week is:
What was the name of the Author who read "Bowerbird Blues" for National Simultaneous Reading Day?
When you have the answer please write it on the paper in the office and don't forget to PUT YOUR NAME and grade on it and pop it into the box to go in the prize draw.