Junior School

It's been a busy time as always in the Junior School.


Today our Year 7s were invited to be part of the Anthology Launch. It was wonderful to hear so many students talking about the work that they were planning to submit as they walked out of today’s presentation.


Next week, all Year 7s will take part in the House Cross Country Event during their Sport session on Monday May 20 in Period 2. We've asked students to come to school changed into their PE Uniform (unless they are required to wear it for the mid-year concert in the evening - in which case a change of clothes will work well). 


The students will be excited to take part in their first school concert that evening. Communications about this event have been sent to our Music families.


At this stage of the term, we turn our heads to the Year 7 Camp preparation. You will see an outline of the camp program displayed on in your Compass events. Many of you have already actioned the Year 7 Camp Deposit Payment, which has been great to see! The deposit is due by Monday 10th of June. Once we are aware of the total numbers of students attending, we will finalise the costing and set up the final payment.


The Year 7 camp will be split over two days with one overnight. The two-day component will take place in the last week of August and first week of September as outlined below.


Year 7ABCD Thursday 29th August - Friday 30 August, 2024


Year 7EFGH Thursday 5th September - Friday 6 September, 2024


The events of the camp will be enriched by two additional events: the first is a whole family screening of the documentary 2040 on Wednesday 26 June.  Bookings for this event will open shortly. There will be no cost to families for this event.


There will be a Q&A session after the screening for any families wanting to ask questions about the Year 7 Camp experience. It's important to understand that we are able to make a range of accommodations to support all students to attend the camps so please don't hesitate to reach out if you have specific questions about how we can assist your young.


The second will be a full day Sustainability Workshop at Edendale Farm that will take place for on Wednesday 24/07 for 7EFGH and on Friday 26/07 for 7ABCD. Payment for this event will open shortly.


Lots going on as always in the Junior School and the team would like to thank you all for your support as we move rapidly to the half year mark with our newest EHS students.

MELISSA HUGHES, Junior School Team Leader