
Elite Sports Captains 2024

Congratulations to the following Elite Sports Captains who have been selected by their peers and coaches. 

  • Anay Copeland (Year 12, Skipper House)
  • Ethan Thompson (Year 12, Skipper House)
  • Mary Robinson (Year 12, Toner House)
  • James Macdonald (Year 12, PakanaHouse) 

All four have been members of the Elite Sports Volleyball Program for six years and have shared some of their thoughts on their journey. 


Participating in the Volleyball Program throughout my six years of high school has taught me invaluable qualities, like resilience and teamwork, which I am committed to uphold beyond graduation. 


The program has provided me with countless opportunities to build new friendships, acquire new skills and take on leadership responsibilities, making it a defining aspect of my high school experience. A standout moment was representing our school at the Australian Volleyball Schools Cup on the Gold Coast in 2022. It was an opportunity that not only granted us independence but also taught crucial lessons to our team. We learnt first-hand the importance of adaptability, even when faced with setbacks, and the significance of unwavering support and effective communication among teammates. 


Reflecting on my time in the program, I believe perseverance is an indispensable quality for young athletes beginning their volleyball journeys. It is the commitment to push through challenges that truly defines a valuable teammate and fosters personal growth both on and off the court.

Anaye Copeland



Being a part of the Volleyball Program over the last six years not only got me more involved in school sports and representing Eltham High all around the State, but it gave me a group of people that I have grown with and bonded with, who I can now call my best friends. When I signed up to play volleyball in Year 7, I had no idea how much it would impact my schooling and my overall experience of high school. 


Volleyball has provided me mentors, sometimes an escape from studying, and unforgettable memories. My favourite memory was in Year 10 when my team was playing for gold in Queensland, and even though we fell short placing 2nd, that match showed me how a leader's encouragement and positivity can make a team compete all the way to the end, and also how entertaining playing in such an intense situation can be. 


My advice for those who have just joined the Volleyball Program or who intend to try-out next year, is to give it your best shot, because whether you are tall or small or sporty or have never picked up a ball in your life, volleyball will make your high school experience so much more enjoyable, and you will never forget it.

Ethan Thompson



To me, the Eltham High School Volleyball Program was an opportunity to try a new sport and form friendships with my teammates. Volleyball has impacted my high school experience as it allowed me to incorporate a sporting aspect alongside my academic journey. 


A memorable moment from my journey was travelling to Queensland for Nationals in 2022, with the team I’ve been a part of since Year 7. This week was filled with fun memories like swimming, team bonding activities and trivia. However, it came with its challenges! A weeklong tournament can be exhausting both physically and mentally for everyone involved. I found that this shaped my leadership as it taught me how important it is to communicate and check-in with one another when energy levels are low. 


My advice to any athlete who has just begun their journey is to have fun and embrace it! Enjoy the process, friendships, trainings, tournaments, and memories you will make along the way. It goes by very quickly so make the most of every opportunity that is presented to you by this program.

Mary Robinson



Being in the volleyball program means a lot to me as I’m able to play my favourite sport with all my mates. I find it helps with school as every week we have a couple training sessions to look forward to, as well as tournaments that are scheduled throughout the year helping the terms feel quicker.


A memorable moment was in Year 10, when we were playing in Queensland in front of all the Eltham teams that attended that year and once we won the game to make the gold medal match I remember the crowd rushing onto the court. It showed that the younger year levels look up to us senior teams and that shaped my perspective of leadership showing how much of an impact we can have on the other year levels.


My advice to younger players would be to just keep practicing as much as you can, sign up to programs outside of school as well to help u improve quicker. The more you train, the more you will improve. At tournaments, watch older year levels to see how they play and perform skills.

James Macdonald

ANTHONY YOUNG, Volleyball Coordinator