Classroom Reports

F/1A - Foundation and Year 1
This term we welcome Mrs George to our classroom. Mrs George is a student teacher, who is with us for 4 weeks and will be taking some Numeracy, Literacy and Inquiry lessons. She has helped us already to make some treasure boxes that we use in maths for our topic on addition. We collected silver and gold coins and worked out how many coins we had altogether. Addy, our addition robot has also been supporting us with this concept.
We also got to be pirates again when the Grade 3s visited us. At our last visit, they taught us how to play Battleships. This time, we applied this learning to hiding the treasure on a treasure map. We are becoming very good at using grid references to find x marks the spot!
In Literacy, Mrs George read the story the’ Nowhere Box’, and we hope to make some things out of all the cardboard boxes we have. We were very excited to bring our favourite toy and share it with our classmates. In Inquiry, we will be using toys as a lens to help students make connections between the concepts of old, new, past, and present. You might like to share what toys you played with as a child. Some of us have to go ‘waaayyyy’ back in time to remember what we played with!!!
Mrs Tanya, Classroom Teacher
F/1B - Foundation and Year 1
Hello Parents/ Caregivers and Community Members
What a busy two weeks we have had. From holiday recounts to making a huge Adding Robot. The students have also been busy practising for the Cross Country. Thanks for the donations of boxes (we are set now) and for allowing the students to bring in their favourite toys. Most importantly, for Foundation Students, our first little readers. Please remember to do your homework to reinforce your learning.
Our Class Focus
Inquiry- A Toy Story- A Comparison between old and new toys.
Literacy- Introduction of Letter P and blending words
Numeracy- Addition
Dates to Remember for April
Thursday 25th- ANZAC Day
Friday 26th- Staff Professional Learning- Student Free Day
Tuesday 30th- Cross Country & Reading Olympics Opening Ceremony
Thanks for all your support.
Mrs Torney, Classroom Teacher
Year 2
Welcome back to Term 2. Ms. Young and Mrs. Mac hope you enjoyed the school holidays and are happy to see the smiling faces of all our students again.
Firstly, a big congratulations to Grade 2 for running such a fun activity at the school fete.It seems that ‘Lob the Dunny Roll” was a real hit!
Grade 2 has a big term of learning ahead of us. In inquiry we will be investigating how water is used and why it is important to us. This will include hands-on exploration (we’ll try not to get too wet!). Addition and subtraction will be a focus in maths, alongside other concepts such as 2D and 3D shapes. In reading, we are building our ‘toolbox’ of comprehension strategies. So far, we have learnt about predicting and making connections and how they can help us better understand what we are reading. We will continue to add ‘tools’ across the term. We will be learning about the structure and features of information reports and working towards creating posters about different animals. To help with this, students will continue to build their knowledge of sentence structure, including how to use conjunctions such as ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘so’ to create compound sentences.
Again, welcome back to Term 2!
Mrs McKenzie & Ms Young, Classroom Teachers
Year 3
In Year 3, we have been learning all about the history of ANZAC Day – why we commemorate it and how it originated. Students in Year 3 have been thoroughly engaged in their learning. Sharing their thoughts and ideas in discussions and working collaboratively with others in group tasks.
Students were asked to write a letter as a soldier home. One student’s letter has been included below.
Miss A, Classroom Teacher.
Year 4 & 5
We have had a great start to the Term in 4/5!
Once again we are splitting for Inquiry and the 4s are working with the 3s and learning all about Australia. We started this with a blind taste test where we had to guess some of delicious Australian foods.
The 5s are joining Mrs T and the 5/6s and are exploring Australian war history.
We have been reflecting on Anzac day and have made stain glass poppies to commemorate the occasion.
A reminder that Library has moved to Thursday.
Miss Eilish, Classroom Teacher.
Year 5/6
We have all recharged and reset over the holidays and are looking forward to a fantastic Term 2.
Thank you to the parents and caregivers who attended the parent-teacher Learning Conversations. This allows us to meet in person, discuss what is going well and where to next for your child's learning.
This term, our specialist teachers have changed, so all students should have a copy of the weekly timetable and the homework letter. The homework letter outlines the working partnership of school and home. Together, we support your child to read nightly, complete spelling and maths tasks, strengthen organisational skills and develop good habits.
Inquiry this term, will have two parts. The first part, is History and the Australian involvement in war. At the moment, we have been learning about World War 1 and the significance of Anzac Day, Remembrance Day and asking lots of questions. In class, we will also learn about World War 2, Vietnam War and other conflicts around the world. Students have been very respectful and are truly developing a sense of the sacrifices that others have made for us all.
Next week, we say 'see you soon' to seven students who are heading off to Somers Camp. We will miss you, but we know you'll have an amazing time.
Mrs Turnbull, Classroom Teacher
Year 7 & 8 Camp to Melbourne
On March 18th we went to Melbourne Doxa City Camp. We arrived around 12pm and got a welcome to camp and room tours. At 1:00-1:45 pm we sat down at Birrarung Marr Playground on the Yarra River and ate lunch.
Then we split into two groups. Group 1 did the Street Art Tour while the other did an activity on the history of music and television. At 4:30-5:30pm it time for a city exploration of Melbourne Central and dinner at Grill’d. After, we went to Crown and played on all the arcade games, which was really enjoyable.
In the morning, we went to the Arts, where rappers Time4Coffee (Mr P) and Sharing is Caring (Mr Monaco) gave us a surprise rap performance. Then we had time to ourselves to wander the Music Museum. When we finished, we went to a music workshop and audio-mixed our own songs.
After lunch we went to the Melbourne Museum and watched an IMAX documentary on Ernest Shackleton, then had free range of the museum before crowding the trams on the way to Docklands and eating at Yassas, a Greek restaurant.
The evening activity, the highlight for most, was ice skating! It was cold but by the end many of us were somewhat confidently skating around the outside of the rink.
On Wednesday, we woke up and had breakfast. One group went to the old Melbourne Gaol, whilst the other explored the State Library. Groups swapped over and got to experience both of these activities.
We then proceeded to catch the train from Melbourne Central to the Melbourne Zoo. We spent hours wandering around, seeing a lot of different animals such as otters, elephants, meerkats and lions.
After the Zoo we went to dinner, at the Blue Train, which is a pizza restaurant. When we finished dinner, we went to Strike Bowling. It was funny watching the teachers get competitive. Mr P and Mr Monaco were having a bit of a battle but in the end Mr P won.
After that, we caught a tram back to our accommodation. We all had a shower, brushed our teeth and went to bed.
As we all woke up on the fourth day of camp, we got ready to go for the tour of the MCG and to play Game On, which are interactive sporting games. After Game On, we had lunch at Yarra Park Gardens and headed off to a guided tour of the Shrine of Remembrance.
In the mid-afternoon we went to the Loom for the Da Vinci experience. After the Loom, we had dinner at a Chinese Restaurant in China Town. This was delicious. After dinner we watched the game of footy between St Kilda vs the Magpies. St Kilda won the game and there were lots of screaming fans. We got home at around 11 o'clock, exhausted from the long day.
On Friday we started our day with breakfast, packed our luggage ready to head to the Queen Victoria Market.
As we made our way to the Queen Victoria Market, the bustling energy of Melbourne surrounded us. The vibrant colours of fresh produce, the enticing aromas of various cuisines, and the lively chatter of both locals and visitors filled the air. We strolled through the maze of stalls, sampling delicious treats and admiring unique crafts from local artists.
After exploring the market and picking up some souvenirs to remember our visit, we walked back to The Village to collect our bags and waited for the bus to arrive. The bus ride home was chaotic, with everyone still excited from the experience.
Laughter and chatter filled the bus as we told each other stories about our favourite moments on camp. As the bus made its way back home, we looked out the windows, watching the trees fly past and the road leading back towards school.
Written by Year 8 Students
Year 10
It has been a great start to Term 2 for our Year 10s. It is going to be a very busy term, with the three-day Driver’s Education program underway. Later in the term we’re off to the mountains for our snow camp. Work Experience is also on the horizon. Next week is our annual Cross Country event and we’re aiming for 100% participation. Remember to dress in house colours, and that families are invited and encouraged to come along and enjoy the festivities (and the BBQ lunch).
In our homeroom team contest last term, “The Spidermans” won and were crowned term 1 champions. They will be able to collect their prize after the long weekend.
As always, we’d like to emphasise the importance of regular attendance. Being at school every day fosters a sense of belonging and community within the school environment. It enables students to engage fully in classroom discussions, collaborative projects, and extracurricular activities, enriching their overall educational experience. Students and families are reminded that ‘every day counts’.
We are also wishing to focus on organisation. In particular, the school diary serves as an invaluable tool for staying organised and developing time management skills. Please encourage your child to utilise their diary effectively by recording important dates, deadlines, and tasks. By maintaining a structured approach to their studies and commitments, students can reduce stress, stay on top of their workload, and achieve their academic goals more efficiently.
Mr Iser and Miss Milne, Year 10 Homeroom Teachers.
VCE Report
It has been a great but busy start to Term 2 for our senior students. The senior cohort ran the school’s ANZAC commemoration and did a brilliant job. They will also take part in the numerous services throughout Loddon Shire on ANZAC Day,
Week 1 we had Learning Conversations, and it was good to see our seniors attend with their parents and carers to get valuable feedback on their progress so far. It is vital to success that communication occurs between home and school and this setting is perfect for this.
This term will be very busy. We are preparing for the Cross Country on Tuesday and are keen to see if Jacka can make it ‘one all’. In week 4, all girls will travel down to Melbourne for the Trade and Tech Fit Careers Expo. The boys will participate in an alternative program at school for the day.
All VM students have their work placement sorted as you would have seen through local publications, as well as social media, the students themselves thanking their supervisors. Thanks goes to Robyn for all of her hard work in this area.
Students are reminded that COMMUNICATION is one of the most important requirements for this year. Thank you to the students who email their teachers to inform of absences and get work etc. Thank you to those who answer teachers’ emails, so we know we have been heard. Remember there is an attendance requirement for both VCE and Wedderburn College, so students need to be adhering to it. Look up your handbook or ask a staff member if you have forgotten what the requirement is.
PE News - Mr P and Miss Milne
Calder Winter Sports
On Thursday 9th of May, Year 3-6 will be heading to Boort for the Calder Winter Sports. Please ensure consent is either given online or via hardcopy by 7th of May. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Emma Milne.
Mr P’s Secondary PE Student of the Week is: Isabelle Arnup.
Isabelle has shown great organisation during our health classes this year and always completes her work to a high standard. Isabelle does her best to actively participate in practical classes and navigates any challenges in a positive manner. Well done Isabelle.
Miss M’s Primary PE Student of the month is: Meika Collins. Meika has led by example in during our Cross-Country practice. She carefully followed directions, assisted and watched out for others whilst on the track. Thank you, Meika, for being such a wonderful role model! Please see Miss Milne for your prize.
Miss Milne and Mr Pettifer, Sports Coordinators
Recess and Lunchtime Walks
Students in Year 7 to 12 have the opportunity to be active at recess and potentially lunchtime with walking tours outside the school.
This is an optional activity, currently being run at Recess but may extend to Lunchtime if there is sufficient student interest.
The walks are currently being run on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday at recess.
Parents, please be aware that your child may be walking if you ring or call in at the office during recess and/or lunchtime.
Mr Fowles
OSHC Program
To Parent/Carers,
Please be aware, if your child/children has a booking to attend Wedderburn OSHC Program ensure that you inform the College of any changes which may arise. This needs to done only by the Parent/Carer and not by the student. This will avoid any confusion.
Thank you for your understanding.
Trina Vaughan, Melinda Springthorpe and Annette Hunt.
OSHC Coordinators.
Don't wait for the end of semester to view your child's progress. Log in to Compass and view teacher feedback and feed forward at any time by checking out your child's Learning Tasks. Children also receive regular (every 5 weeks) progress reports on their Organisation, Behaviour, Attitude to Learning and Work Completion. Learning Tasks and Reports can be found on you child's profile page.