Student Well-being 

What is coming up in Term 2...

Better Buddies Program

This year we are continuing our Better Buddies Program at Kingsville Early Learning Centre.


Our Year 5 students are super excited to be part of the program, which will prepare them for becoming buddies when they are in Year 6!


Beginning next week, each Friday the Year 5 students will walk across to Kingsville Early Learning to participate in a range of activities. Some favourite activities are playing in the sand pit, building using construction toys, participating in arts and crafts, dancing and even trying to squeeze themselves onto the bikes!


The Year 5s always enjoy reminiscing about their own days at kinder and it is always beautiful to hear the conversations they have with the younger children.


The program has always been a success in the past, with children developing the confidence to engage with younger children and initiate experiences. 




We thank Natalie and the team in the Manna Gum Room who always welcome us with open arms to particpate in the program.



Lauren Borg

Student Well-being Leader