
School Uniform
As announced at the conclusion of 2023 the roll out of uniform changes has begun.
To ensure that all students feel included and feel a sense of pride when wearing their uniform, we are transitioning to a gender-neutral collection. The uniform will create more homogeneity and consistency between students and allow them to express their identity through their own choice.
The school will be phasing out the following items:
- School blazer with no trim (previously advertised for boys)
- Grey pants (previously advertised for boys)
The school will be introducing the following items:
- School blazer - with trim (previously only advertised for girls, however now required for all students)
- Navy pants (previously only advertised for girls, however now inclusive of all students)
- Navy shorts - pleated
- Blazers, shirts and pants come in two different fits to ensure all bodies are accounted for.
The following items will become the official school uniform from 2024 onwards however students may continue to wear their older items until the end of the 2026 school year.
All students will need to be in the new uniform by the start of the 2027.
Ms Mel Beal
Vice Principal
Science Building Renovations
Over the school holidays, the Science Building renovation was completed. Here are a few photos of the new labs.
Mother's Day Breakfast
- Adult egg roll: $9.50
- Child egg roll: $6.50
- Adult egg & bacon roll: $10.50
- Child egg & bacon roll: $7.50
- Oats with Yogurt & fruit: $10.50
Closed Circuit (CCTV)
Huntingtower has an obligation to ensure the School environment is safe and secure, and fulfil our duty of care to students, staff and visitors.
The CCTV system assists the School to fulfil these obligations and to prevent and manage other inappropriate behaviour on school grounds.
CCTV also provides enhanced capability to protect the School’s assets against vandalism and theft.
For further information, please see the Close Circuit (CCTV) Privacy Notice on the website.
Ms Di Goodsall
Human Resources Officer
Dogs on Campus