Careers and Pathways HUB

University Extension Programs

If you are a high achieving Year 11 student and you would like to challenge yourself and kick start your university studies, you can apply to complete extension studies as one of your Unit 3/4 subjects, that contribute towards your ATAR. Many universities including Melbourne University, Deakin University and Latrobe University offer programs in a wide variety of study areas. Benefits include:

  • Completing subjects that can credit towards a university degree (if completed at the same university)
  • Experience what university study and university life is like
  • Subjects are usually free to study (the university will usually cover the HECS contribution)
  • Some lead to increased chance of early entry offers at that same university (eg Latrobe University)

If you are considering this as an option, you 

  • Must be completing the co-requisite subject at Year 12 or have completed the prerequisite subject in Year 11 
  • Be achieving very well and 
  • Be confident that you can manage your time effectively, in order to complete university-level studies in an independent way.

Please talk to me if you would like to understand these programs more.

Upcoming Events

The best way for students to research and plan for their futures is to experience things for themselves. Please read through the following opportunities carefully and register for anything that is of interest. Most of these activities are free to participate in. 

What’s on?

Relevant to:


Further information and registration

University of Queensland – Medicine information evening (online)

Year 10-12 students interested in studying Medicine

Tuesday 30th April

Register here

Education USA virtual Q&A

Students interested in studying in the USA

Various dates throughout the year

Register here

UCAT bookings

2024 Year 12 students interested in applying for Medicine courses

Closing 17th May

Visit website to register

Australian National University early entry applications

Year 12 students interested in studying at ANU

Closing 15th May

Further information and applications

Melbourne Conservatorium of Music festivals and Mega Days

Music and performing arts students

Various dates throughout 2024 starting 22nd March

Register here

Focus on Melbourne – University of Melbourne information sessions

Year 9-12 students and parents interested in courses at Melbourne University

Various dates in May and June

Information and registrations

RMIT campus tours

Year 10-12 students

Various dates

Register here

Melbourne University campus tours

Year 10-12 students

Various dates

Register here

Swinburne University campus tours

Year 10-12 students

Various dates

Register here

Discover Monash –

Course information series

Year 10-12 students

Various dates commencing March 5th 

Register here

VCE and Careers expo

Melbourne Convention Centre

Year 9-12 students and families

2nd – 4th May

More information and purchase tickets here

Holmesglen Sports Summit

Year 12 students interested in careers in sport

Saturday 22nd June

Registration information to come

Monash Business Explorer

Year 11 and 12 students interested in studying Business or Commerce degrees

Tuesday 2nd and Wednesday 3rd July

Register here

Monash University Design Experience Days

Year 10-12 students interested in architecture, design & fine art


July 2nd, 3rd, 4th

September 24th, 25th, 26th

Register here

RMIT Tech & Trades Experience Day

Year 10-12 students interested in studying a trade at RMIT

Thursday 4th July

Register here

Monash University Science Precinct Tours

Year 9-12 Students

June-July school holidays

Register here

RMIT student for a day

Year 10-12 students

September school holidays

Register here

Tertiary Open Days - 2024

Below is a list of the dates for the tertiary open days for 2024. As you can see, August is incredibly busy for open days, so I advise that if you are a student in Year 10 or 11, you start early and attend some of the institutions that may be of interest, so that you don’t run out of time trying to attend them all in Year 12! I will continue to update the table as more institutions publish their dates, and registration for open day information can be made by clicking on the link in the table. 

Australian Catholic University

Melbourne campus: Sunday 11th August

Ballarat campus: Sunday 25th August

Box Hill Institute


Deakin University

Geelong campuses: Sunday 18th August

Warrnambool campus: Sunday 4th August

Melbourne campus: Sunday 25th August

Federation University

Gippsland campus: Sunday 11th August

Berwick campus: Sunday 18th August

Mt Helen campus: Sunday 24th August


Thursday 13th June

La Trobe University

Melbourne campus: Sunday 4th August

Bendigo campus: Sunday 25th August

Monash University

Peninsula campus: Saturday 3rd August

Caulfield campus: Saturday 3rd August

Clayton campus: Sunday 4th August

Parkville campus: Sunday 18th August



Swinburne University of Technology

Sunday 28th July

University of Melbourne


Victoria University

Footscray Park and Sunshine campuses: Sunday 18th August

City campus: Sunday 25th August

Please take some time to explore the Careers and Pathways page on HT Connect. You will find links to the VTAC course search page and the Career Bullseyes, as well as information on various courses, gap years, non-ATAR pathways and much more. There is even a jobs board to help with finding a casual job!

Ms Alison Howard

Career Pathways Advisor