




F1MMandy, Dee and SharynRiley HPersistenceRiley, you did an amazing job on your Number Bonds this week. I was really impressed with not only how you challenged yourself but also the way you explained your thinking. You are a Maths Superstar!  Keep up the amazing effort.
2NWNatalie and JacintaChrystalPersistenceChrystal, your efforts in addition and subtraction this week have been remarkable! I'm incredibly proud of your dedication to understanding number partitioning. Keep up the hard work superstar!
34BBecJasmine CDo your best and EmpathyJazzy, you are a dedicated and enthusiastic student who consistently brings your best self to your school day. You are a wonderful mentor to your peers, showing us how to try your best with each task, and ask questions to help achieve your goals. Well done, we are so lucky to have you in 3/4 B! 
34KKylieSaigeDo your best

All the effort and enthusiasm you have put into your information report about the human body has been fantastic to see.

It’s great to see you settling into the school and sharing your knowledge with others. Keep up the great attitude!

56SSonyaZoeyPersistenceFor the excellent persuasive text you wrote on sustainability. You researched well and worked hard to present your work in an effectively structured text. Keep up the positive attitude towards writing!
56DDanielLeon PersistenceFor an outstanding week and completing all your work. We are loving your persistence and doing your best. Keep it up!
Performing ArtsBecRhys Do your BestFor your wonderful participation in our drama classes. I have enjoyed watching you shine in your drama skits and getting the most out of our drama games. Your attitude to your performing arts is commendable, showing your true talent and creative imagination. Thank you for entertaining us!
AuslanAmyAldoPersistenceFor explaining the importance of facial expression in conveying details and emotion in Auslan. Well done Aldo!