School Calendar

Tuesday Weekly - Marathon Club @ 8.15am
Monday 6th May - Even Week
The fortnight ahead
9th May - 16th May - Book Fair will be in the POD
10th May - Jnr school Mother's Day Morning Tea
- Mothers Day Stall
- Assembly @ 2.45pm
14th May - Shrek at Monbulk College - 5/6 students only
15th May - Cross Country
20th May - Hoop Time Juniors
23rd May - 3/4 Museum Excursion
Open Week Dates - come and join us at school.
14th & 15th May - 9.00am to 11.30am
16th May - 2.40pm to 3.30pm
Important dates for Term 2
24th May - Australia's Biggest Morning Tea 8am - 9am in the Multi
31st May - Hoop Time Seniors
4th June - Divisional X Country
12th June - EDEC Lightning prem
13th June - Regional Cross Country
21st June - Yr 5/6 Puberty incursion
27th June - EDEC Soccer
28th June - Last Day of Term 2.30pm finish