Learning News

Learning News Week 1, Term 2 2024
Learning News
Welcome back to Term 2! We hope you have all had a restful and refreshing break and are ready for a full term of learning. There are lots of learning opportunities coming up this term, from sporting events through to classroom activities, which we are sure everyone will enjoy. So lets all put our best foot forward and have a fabulous term of learning.
Yours in learning,
Mrs Shepherd
Kindergarten has had a fantastic start to Term 2! On our first day back, we learned about a new subject called Drop Everything and Write (DEAW). After lunch everyday for 15 minutes, students will participate in DEAW to support their growing Writing skills. Students write using word cards found on the word wall in Kinder. To start with, students practise writing individual words. As their confidence grows in writing words independently, students will begin to use the cards and their knowledge of words to write their own sentences. Fantastic effort Kindergarten!
Miss Fraser
Year 1
Year 1’s Personal Development and Health unit is continuing on from last term. Below is our Learning Intention and Success Criteria that we have been working on to make healthy, safe and active living choices.
LI: We are learning to make healthy, safe and active living choices so our bodies and mind can be strong.
SC: I can…
Describe and practise ways we can be cooperative and respectful in group work.
Understand the places we can go and the things we can do to promote healthy and safe living.
Understand the effect exercise has on me.
Look at the cause and effect of our health choices.
Make a balanced plate that shows the different food groups I should eat at each meal.
Understand what the media does to influence our health choices.
We looked at how advertisements make kids want to buy unhealthy food by using bright colours, persuasive devices, and free gifts. The students then made their own posters to persuade others to eat healthy food.
This week, we learned that there are 5 food groups that we should eat at each meal and how much of our plate should be full of each type of food. Students then used craft supplies to make their own balanced and healthy meals.
Outstanding work Year 1! Keep up the great start to the term!
Miss Myers and Mrs Gall.
Year 2
Year 2 are back and ready to learn! This week, the students were learning about the positive effects exercising has on their bodies! Firstly, we watched a short clip that explained the top three benefits of exercising. Students did a great job listening and taking notes which helped them complete their learning activity. To be successful in their learning, the students had to draw 5 things that improve when we exercise. The main benefits were that exercising helps our bodies, brains and emotions.
Well done Year 2!
Miss Rasche
Year 3/4
Welcome to Term 2 and what is going to be a busy and exciting term! This week, Year 3/4 completed their informative unit in English by developing an understanding of procedure text types. Students began by making an insect house and discussed the importance of caring for God’s Creation. Year 3/4 then wrote a procedure about how they made their insect houses, ensuring that they provided clear instructions for someone to follow.
Great work this week, Year 3/4!
Year 5
Back to a new term and time for a new topic! This week year 5 were introduced to our new english topic which focuses on the book ‘One Small Island’ by Alison Lester and Coral Tulloch. To begin our work the students were asked to research some facts about Macquarie Island and define some of the key pieces of vocabulary that we are going to use in our writing. What a fantastic start and we look forward to our learning this term!
Mr Beaumont
Year 6
Year 6 has been learning to interpret data. Yesterday, students were given a table, outlining the medal tally for the 2012 olympics and asked if this was enough data information to fairly answer the question “Which countries are most sporty?”. Students decided that they required more information to accurately answer the question, so they set out in groups to find more information and come to a conclusion given their research. Amazing work Year 6 Mathematicians!