
Birthdays and Awards


Happy birthday to Japveer Kehal, Blake Beattie, Isaac Marshman, Alexander Pettit ,Max Coombes, Piper Browning, Eadie Armytage and Maisy Armytage who have celebrated their birthday recently. We hope you enjoyed a wonderful day.


Merit Awards

Alyria McCormick: great singing during Music.

Patricia Towns: trying her best all week.

Mikayla Squire: showing great enthusiasm in Science.

Gwyneth Kelly: excellence in Mathematics.

Jack Kenafick: continued application in all learning areas.

Tommy Taber: exceptional mathematical knowledge.

Charlie Angland: great listening to directions in Mathematics.

Cooper Elliott: a great start to Term 2.

Summer Catlett: producing a great plan in writing.

Lillian Squire: fantastic effort in writing a procedure this week.

Beau Fleming: fantastic work in handwriting and vocabulary.

Farrer Burke: wonderful public speaking on ANZAC Day!

Molly Gallagher: a fantastic ANZAC Day reflection.

Piper Browning: hard work in Mathematics.

Max Hyles: fantastic work using the equal sign in different ways.

Oliver Holden: great enthusiasm in all learning areas!

Jet Martin: fantastic work using the Bridging the Decade strategy in Mathematics.

Eloise Trotter: fantastic work in HSIE when researching and summarising information.

Pauline Fleming: descriptive writing that engages the audience.

Merit Award Recipients
Merit Award Recipients
Merit Award Recipients
Merit Award Recipients
Merit Award Recipients
Merit Award Recipients


Legends of the Light Shine Awards

Caleb Marshman, Poppy Long, Miller Burke, Michael Maughan, Leah Kelly, Rosie Long, Kahlia Spires, Yolanda Wu, Joseph Sullivan, Zandah Shorter, Isaac Marshman, Dusty Goman, Darcy Coker, Kash Flood, Gemma Beattie, Jack Kenafick, Susie Davidson.

Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients
Legends of the Light Shine Award Recipients

                                                                       Laudato Si' Award

                                              Josie Duff, Clancy Burrows, Aubree Butcher.

Laudato Si' Award Recipient - Josie Duff
Laudato Si' Award Recipient - Clancy Burrows
Laudato Si' Award Recipient - Aubree Butcher
Laudato Si' Award Recipient - Josie Duff
Laudato Si' Award Recipient - Clancy Burrows
Laudato Si' Award Recipient - Aubree Butcher

Reading Awards

Chase Catlett and Billy Agnew

Reading Award Recipients
Reading Award Recipients