Religious Education

On Tuesday, May 21 at 7:00pm, one student from grade 3 will be making their first reconciliation in a special service at St Mary's in Mt Evelyn. She has been preparing for this in class and by attending the family sacramental sessions that are now complete.
Please pray for all students making this sacrament at this time.
This Sunday is Pentecost. It celebrates the coming of the Holy Spirit, 50 days after Easter and the presence of God with us always.
A Pentecost prayer
Spirit of Christ, stir me;
Spirit of Christ, move me;
Spirit of Christ, fill me;
Spirit of Christ, seal me.
Consecrate in me Your Heart and Will, O Heavenly Father.
Create in me a fountain of virtues.
Seal my soul as Your own,
that Your reflection in me may be a light for all to see.