Indigenous Education

Reconciliation Week
Reconciliation Week is from Monday 27th May to Monday 3rd June. Reconciliation Week is a time for all Australians to learn about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements and explore how we can contribute to reconciliation in Australia.
The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, reminds us that no matter what, the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will —and must —continue.
We are looking forward to recognising this week with a few activities during the week.
Monday- Reconciliation Week prayer and commissioning our Grade 6's as FIRE Carriers in a ceremony.
Thursday- Indigenous Art Workshop run by Dr Jenny Murray-Jones & Thelma Asbury, Yorta Yorta/Baraparapa women.
We will also have a Thursday fundraiser for the Opening the Doors Foundation. We would love to invite students to wear a colour from the Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander flag (red, yellow, black, blue, green or white), or if they have a piece of clothing that may contain Indigenous art. We would love them to bring a gold coin donation to go towards First Nations students needing some assistance with their education and the resources necessary for school.
During the week, classes will also engage in various other Reconciliation Week-themed classroom activities, including Indigenous texts, music, dances, and shows.
FIRE Carriers
For those who may not know, St Joseph's joined last year as a FIRE (Friends Igniting Reconciliation through Education) Carriers school. The story of FIRE Carriers began with a dream to bring Aboriginal culture, history, and spirituality to the forefront of education in Catholic schools. It was essential to teach the stories of the oldest living culture to our youngest generations to ensure the living truth, the dreams, and hopes of our Indigenous people were heard. This would be a genuine pathway to reconciliation.
The FIRE Carrier program is closely linked to the Opening the Doors Foundation. The Opening The Doors Foundation is a 24-year-old First Nations-led organisation supporting educational opportunities for First Nations children. It provides First Nations children from regional, remote and urban communities across Australia with educational opportunities within Victorian non-government schools - enabling them to participate fully and equally in education by supporting families to make their own choices about their children’s future for their entire education journey from foundation to Year 12. It is the only First Nations organisation supporting children throughout their 13-year educational journey.
Our 2024 FIRE Carrier Leaders are Jack Grayling and Eli Beddoes.