Principal’s News

Nicholas Boyhan

Dear Parents and Carers,

Mother's Day Celebration

Thank you to all the Mums, Grandmas and other special people who came along and supported our Mother's Day celebration on Friday, 10 May.  By all accounts, it was a lovely morning for those in attendance. Sadly, I was unable to be there due to a case of COVID-19.  I was disappointed not to be there on two counts.  Firstly, it is lovely to see the beautiful interactions between the Mums and their children.  Secondly, it is a great experience collaborating with the staff on an event that brings so much happiness to so many people.


Thanks very much to the staff who worked back late on Thursday setting up and arrived at the crack of dawn on Friday to cook and lay out the food, ready for the families to enjoy.  I would particularly like to thank Katie Vranken for overseeing the running of this activity, Anthony Willemsen for his heavy lifting, getting all the equipment and furniture into place and the staff for teaming so brilliantly to make this a great success.

If any parents have any feedback on what they enjoyed or would like to see included in future Mother's Day celebrations, please email suggestions to

Father's Day Celebration Survey

In the coming weeks, I will be surveying the Dads to find out their thoughts on how they would like to celebrate Father's Day at school with their children.  I have had a couple of discussions with some of our dads around the possibility of: 

  • a round of golf, following the breakfast 
  • an afternoon or evening event due to Dad's work commitments
  • evening barbecue rather than a breakfast

Keep an eye out for a Google Survey in the coming weeks.

Health New

Increase in COVID-19 Activity

Key messages

  • Victoria is currently experiencing increased COVID-19 activity in the community, resulting in an increase in people being hospitalised with COVID-19.
  • At the same time, we are seeing increasing cases of influenza and Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) as we head into winter.
  • During this time, it is especially important those at greatest risk of becoming seriously ill from COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses are protected – this includes people aged 65 and above, people with a disability or chronic medical condition and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.
  • Younger children aged 6 months to 5 years and pregnant women are also at greater risk of influenza and RSV.

Click here to read more.


New measles case in Victoria

Key messages

  • A new case of measles has been reported in Victoria in a returned overseas traveller. This is in addition to a case reported on 11 May 2024. See the below table for exposure site details of both cases.
  • Measles is a highly infectious viral illness that can spread from person-to-person and potentially lead to serious health complications.
  • People who have attended the listed exposure sites during the specified dates and times should monitor for symptoms of measles.
  • Anyone who develops symptoms of measles should seek medical care. Wear a mask and call ahead to make sure you can be isolated from others.
  • Healthcare professionals should be alert for measles in patients with fever and rash, particularly those who have recently returned from overseas or attended a listed exposure site during the specified period.
  • Suspected cases should be tested, advised to isolate, and notified to the Department of Health immediately by calling 1300 651 160.
  • Offer free measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine to people born during or after 1966 who do not have documentation of having received two doses of measles-containing vaccine. Vaccinate all individuals who are unsure of their vaccination history, regardless of Medicare status.
  • There is no need to check measles serology prior to vaccination.
  • Anyone planning overseas travel should make sure they have received appropriate travel vaccinations, including MMR vaccine.

Click here to read more.


School Uniform

Thanks to parents and students for their fantastic response to our recent request for greater adherence to our School Uniform Policy. Staff have remarked on the improvements, which have significantly decreased the number of times teachers have had to address this matter with the students.


In recognition of this achievement, we will run a raffle for the students next week. Students will earn tickets every day they attend school in their correct uniform. If a child wears their correct uniform five days in a row, they will receive five raffle tickets for the week. A raffle will be drawn for each class at the end of the week, and the lucky winner will win a special treat (to be announced at Monday morning's assembly).


If your child is unable to wear their full uniform on any given day due to items being in the wash or for another legitimate reason, please simply send an email or handwritten note, and they will still be eligible for a raffle ticket. We understand the challenges of washing and drying the clothes, especially in these cooler months.  


I've included for you below the listing of the full Summer, Winter and Sports Uniform.  Any variations on this including leggings, netball skirts, coloured hair ties (other than white, Navy blue or light blue), black socks or socks with logos, etc are not considered school uniform.  You will also read here information about makeup and jewellery.


St Joseph's School Uniform


Please note that students should be wearing a School Jumper or Year Six Bomber Jacket over their Polo Shirt in preference to a coat.  Coats are recommended for wearing outdoors in the cooler months but should not be worn in class in place of a school jumper.


$400.00 School Saving Bonus

This week the Allan Labor Government announced a $400 School Saving Bonus for all school students in government schools regardless of income, but only for Health Care Card holders in Catholic schools.

This is deeply unfair.

We believe the payment should be means tested for all students or apply to all students.

It should not be based on which school you attend. 

This policy punishes families for choosing to send their children to a Catholic school.

Our school, St Joseph's and the peak body, the Victorian Catholic Education Authority, are working hard to oppose this policy and we need your help.

We need to show the Victorian Government that punishing families who choose a Catholic school is unacceptable.

Please consider contacting your local Member of Parliament to express your concern.

Our school’s local MP is Cindy McLeish and she can be contacted by calling (03) 9730 1066 or by emailing 


Template letters are available to assist you with making your voice heard.  

Thank you for your time in reading this and for advocating for your family and our school.


Best wishes for the week ahead,


Kind regards,




Nicholas Boyhan
