Student of the Week

Student of the Week

Week Four

ClassStudent Reason
FoundationEdward PriceFor being an excellent reader, Edward has been sounding out words and blending them perfectly while reading short texts. Edward has just passed level 2 reading! Awesome job, Ed!
1/2SEden LawrieFor being an incredible student all round.  You consistently try your best at everything you do, you are responsible, respectful and reliable!  The trifecta of awesomeness! Brilliant work Eden! 
3/4BVMarlee WightmanFor her positive attitude towards all learning tasks. Marlee consistently tries her best and demonstrates excellent resilience when encountering difficulties in her learning. Keep up the great work, Marlee!
5/6DFMaggie BarrFor practising all of the speaking parts for the ANZAC Day service at the RSL in case anyone was absent. Maggie read her part of the prayer of St. Francis clearly and confidently and showed respect and reverence throughout the entire service. Well done, Maggie!
5/6TJames HindsFor your beautiful, compassionate heart.  It takes a brave person to stand up to others when they see something wrong.  You make the world a better place, James.
SportMaggie BarrFor her development with her skills in kicking, dribbling and controlling the ball in soccer.  Maggie is a great thinker in games and displays evasive skills and selects good options of where to kick the ball in minor games.  Excellent work Maggie!
JapaneseAlly TimmermansFor always being respectful to the teachers and peers. You are ready to learn Japanese when you walk into the class and try your best. Well done Ally! 

Week Five

ClassStudent Reason
FoundationJeremy WatsonFor improving his resilience when coming to school to learn! Jeremy, you have shown great determination to try new things and have confidence in yourself! We are proud of you!
1/2SOscar McDonald Halsall For improving his listening skills by following the 5L’s in class. Oscar has shown that when he listens well he is able to do his work really well too, well done!
3/4BVLeo OsmotherlyFor his enthusiasm and effort towards his learning. Leo is listening to feedback and trying hard to make each piece of work better than the last one. Keep it up, Leo - your hard work is paying off, as you are making great progress!
5/6DFGrady HubbardFor being respectful and showing great enthusiasm and involvement during all of the activities at the transition day at Upper Yarra Secondary College. Fantastic, Grady!
5/6THarper BillingsFor her excellent analytical skills when solving maths puzzles at our Upper Yarra Transition Day.
SportMaddi DarwallFor her participation in fun games that prepared her to play minor games of touch rugby.   She is closely watching the tag target and making quick moves to capture her opponents tag.  She is always delaying her running, waiting for gaps before running.   Excellent game play Maddi!
JapaneseJayden MorrisFor showing respect and fully focused listening to the instruction of how to make Shuriken in the Japanese lesson. Well done, Jayden!