News from 5/6

Homework for students in 5/6 consists of reading and practising multiplication and division facts. Students are expected to do this 5 days per week (allowing for two days when they are just too busy). This regular practice is designed to build fluency in reading and automaticity in number facts. Without this automatic recall of simple facts, the students often don't have enough working memory available to solve the more involved math problems that are part of their curriculum from Year 5 to Year 12.
Homework sheets for recording their practice, have been given to all students and are expected to be brought into school each day.
Please support us in supporting your child by helping them to develop and sustain good homework routines.
Bring a shoebox!
Students have been researching a particular event that occurred in Australia's history and are now designing their dioramas. Each pair needs to bring in a shoe box or a similar-sized box for their diorama. While we have lots of different fabrics and wool in the art room, and plenty of rustic-looking sticks in the playground, some students are also wanting to bring small craft things from home to embellish their scene. These might include plasticine, airdried clay, or wooden clothes pegs to make the people in their scenes. Parents will be invited to come and view these creations near the end of term.
Schools Anzac Service
We were proud of how our Year 6 students conducted themselves at the Schools Anzac Ceremony at the RSL last week. Danica and Sophie, performed confidently as the hosts of the events with Jack, Olivia and Maggie all reading their prayers clearly. The students enjoyed talking to some of the returned soldiers after the ceremony and exploring some of the kit they had with them. The wreath made by Ms Forbes and Mrs Vranken was much admired!
On 8/5/24 the grade 6’s from both classes went to the RSL for ANZAC day. St. Joe’s hosted the ANZAC day and it was led by Danica and Matthew (he wasn't there so Sophie did it). There were many schools from the Yarra Valley, such as Don Valley, Yarra Junction, Gladysdale etc. Me and Jack did the prayer of St. Francis and Olivia did the Our Father.
Last Wednesday the 5/6s took a bus up to the Upper Yarra RSL for an Anzac ceremony. At the ceremony, people gathered to pay their respects and remember the sacrifices of the Australian soldiers who fought for our freedom.
This year was our school year to hold the ANZAC Ceremony. Mahli and Lexi lay the wreath, Sophie and Danica ran the whole thing and read all the important speeches and Olivia read the Lord's prayer. We got to meet Aaron Violi, member for Casey. He got a photo with us for the newsletter.
Transition to Upper Yarra Secondary College
On Wednesday the 15th of May, Year 5/6 went to Upper Yarra Secondary College for a transition session. We split into two groups. 5/6 FDU went with Ms Clarke and 5/6 T went with Ms Murphy. We began by doing maths puzzles and we learnt about what the year 7s were doing in maths. Than we had hot dogs for lunch. After, Ms Hermansen and Ms Lawrence took us to do science. We were allowed to take part in experiments and we all had heaps of fun.
On 15/5/24 the 5/6 class went to Upper Yarra. We walked there and it was so much fun. My class had maths first so we went to a classroom. We did a reading word problem and we had teams. I was with Marley and Maggie and our team was called Grimace Sparkley Toes. We solved every question but got some wrong.. I will tell you some of the questions we had to do: count how many squares and triangles there were and there were a lot trust me.. After maths, the bell rang dingdingding we went outside and ate our lunch. We had hotdogs and soon the music went. We had to go to science. We wore lab coats and we did some activities my favourite was the colour water thing (I don't know what it’s called).. We walked out since we were done and walked back to school!
Today year 5/6s went to Upper Yarra Secondary College. We were there for a transition (private tour) for the people who were going there next year but everyone came. When we got there we were greeted by two teachers, Mrs Clarke and Mrs Murphy (who arrived late). Then we were split into two groups Mrs Traynor's class -Mrs Murphy our class-Mrs Clarke. We went into a classroom called 7 Lime. We got split into groups of three and had to come up with a name and do some puzzling and tricky games. I paired up with Darcy and Harry and we only got the puzzles wrong. Afterwards, we went outside for hotdogs!
Today 5/6s went to Upper Yarra Secondary College for a transition day. We split up into two different groups. The fun stuff we did were Maths and Science. Maths was so fun because we got into partners and had a challenge. We had to solve math puzzles. They were soo fun.
For science we did all sorts of fun stuff. Some things that we had to do were: We had to memorize what was in a box and then write what we remembered on a piece of paper. We got to build. Something I built was a thing that you had to hold a button and then let go and it would fly into the air and you had to try to catch it. There was you got to mix stuff and it became clumpy and thick. And some were very watery.
For lunch we had hotdogs. They were soo good!!
On Wednesday the five/sixes walked up to Upper Yarra Secondary College where we were greeted by my auntie that works there. We went into her classroom and did maths. It was so much fun. We also did science with another teacher. Then we had a lunch room made up with my brother and his mates. My brother made me give him some of my hot dog. We had loads of fun. We got to make these things in science. We could make a fan and make music and was really, really fun. I made one with Eli and then one by myself. I had lots of fun. I can't wait to go to Upper Yarra.
On 15/5/24 the 5/6 classes walked to Upper Yarra to transition. We looked at the classrooms and learned Maths and science.
In maths we did can you spot the difference and how many triangles, and me and Maggie and Izzy were a team and we named our team Grimace Sparkley Toes. Then we walked outside and had a hot dog and played around a bit. Then we walked to the science room and had to put on lab coats and goggles. We got a metal fork and a stick with a rubber circle thing around the stick and we had to hit the metal fork with the stick with the rubber thing on it and it would vibrate then we put it in water and the water made a big splash. Then we all met up next to the library and we went in the library for a bit and saw two turtles. Then we had to go so we walked back to school.
As we walked up To Upper Yarra we were greeted by my auntie. She's the one that gave us potato cakes at sports day. We went into the year 7 classrooms and did some maths work and puzzles and it was fun. After that we went to have lunch and caught up with my friend Paddy. After we had lunch we did Science. It was fun and I made a helicopter with wires. We stopped at the library and the library had all my favourite books. I can't wait to go to Upper Yarra.
We went to Upper Yarra Secondary College. When we got there we were greeted by the staff and then we did maths. After that we went to lunch. After lunch we went to science and then we went back to school again.
Today we went to Upper Yarra high school! First we went to do math and we did 13 puzzles and I found out Hudson's nickname is PETER! Then we went out for lunch, I had chips and some tiny tots, then I realised they were handing out hot dogs, so I did the most reasonable thing and just ate a bun. Then we went in for science. We tested chemicals, looked through microscopes, built little machines and… sprayed water with vibrations, I liked that. Then we walked back.