F/1/2 Photo Trail Excursion

On Tuesday 14th May the F/1/2 students went to Maroondah Dam for the Photo Trail excursion! The students played some games run by the Healesville High School students, which were lots of fun, and then we did the photo trail hunt! The F/1's had to follow the picture clues to find out answers. The grade 2 students had to follow clues to find letters to crack a code. It was a wonderful day had by all!
Here is what the kids had to say about it:
Lexie- "I liked going on the bus"
Eddie- "I liked sitting next to my friends on the bus:
Harry- "I liked going on the bus"
Charlee- "I liked searching for the clues"
Coco- "I liked going on the bus"
Maggie- "I liked going on the bus"
Makenzie- "I liked going on the bus"
Lachlan- "I liked going on the bus"
Braxton- "I liked the whole day"
Joey- "I liked looking at the dam and screaming up the wall to hear the echo"
Ed- "Doing the caterpillar walk"
Gabby- "I liked the games"
Spencer- "I liked having fun"
Elijah- "I liked when we went on the dam wall"
Teagan- "I liked the obstacle course"
Oscar- "I liked having fun"
Archer- "I liked going on the dam"
Brooklyn- "I liked playing the games"
Aleah- "I liked doing the photo trail"
Olivia- "I liked playing tug of war"
Charlie- "I liked playing the games"
Liam- "I liked doing the photo trail and getting lollies!"
Eden- "I liked seeing the dam"
Blake- "I liked walking up to the dam"
Darcie- "I liked playing the captain game"
Monty- "I liked that it was fun and sunny!"
Aleisha- "I liked going on the dam wall"
Mason- "I liked going on the dam"
Taylor- "I liked to see the big dam"
Finley- "I liked the photo trail"